
What is Nondisjunction and What are its Effects?

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Calvin Bridges and Thomas Hunt Morgan discovered the process of nondisjunction in dividing cells in the year 1910. This is one of the most common forms of chromosomal aberration that occurs in humans. This article explains what is nondisjunction, how does it occur, and some of the causes and effects of this condition.
Meaning of nondisjunction
Did You Know
Most human aneuploidy syndromes seem to be of maternal origin. Female meiosis is more prone to error because these cells are arrested in their diplotene phase and have relatively fewer crossovers as compared to that of the male gametes.
Almost all cells in the bodies of higher eukaryotic animals contain two sets of chromosomes―one that is inherited by the mother, and the other is of paternal origin. Such cells are termed as diploid cells (denoted as 2n).
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The sex cells, or gametes, are usually haploid in nature. They arise when the diploid cells of the germinal epithelium undergo reduction division, i.e., meiosis. The male haploid gamete fertilizes the female haploid gamete to give rise to a diploid zygote. This zygote may undergo several rounds of mitotic divisions to give rise to a new individual.

Cells usually double their number of chromosomes in the S phase―before undergoing a round of cell division (either meiosis or mitosis). During cell division, there is either separation of the homologous chromosomes (pair of chromosomes derived from each parent) or the sister chromatids (identical copy of the chromosomes generated in the S phase) into newly formed daughter cells and is known as disjunction of chromosomes.

Nondisjunction can be defined as a state in which the chromosomes fail to separate from each other during cell division. This gives rise to cells with abnormal number of chromosomes, and this condition of the cells is known as aneuploidy.

Types of Nondisjunction
Depending on the stage in which nondisjunction has occurred, it can be classified into three types.

In Meiosis I

nondisjunction in meiosis I

In this process, the separation of homologous chromosomes in anaphase I of meiosis doesn't take place. This results in two daughter cells carrying an extra chromosome (n + 1), and two daughter cells with one less chromosome (n - 1). The effects of nondisjunction in meiosis I are more far-reaching than that in meiosis II. This is because all four gametes that arise have altered number of chromosomes.

In Meiosis II

nondisjunction in meiosis II

In this process, separation of sister chromatids in anaphase II fails, resulting in an uneven distribution of the chromatids into the newly formed daughter cells. If this type of nondisjunction takes place, two cells have normal number of chromosomes (n), whereas in two cells, the number of chromosome has increased by one (n + 1). There is a good chance that this aneuploidy might go unnoticed in females as only one of the newly formed daughter cells develops into an ovum.

In Mitosis

nondisjunction in mitosis

In mitosis, there is a separation of sister chromatids into newly formed daughter cells. When nondisjunction occurs, the sister chromatids fail to separate from each other in the anaphase and results in aneuploidy of cells―(2n + 1) in some and (2n - 1) in others. This is also known as the chromatin or the anaphase bridge. This may lead to mosaicism (a condition some cells are normal while other show aneuploidy) of somatic cells in an individual.

Effects of Nondisjunction

Nondisjunction can lead to the loss of a chromosome and give rise to a condition known as monosomy, denoted as (n - 1) or (2n - 1). It can also lead to the addition of a chromosome and is known as trisomy, denoted as (n + 1) or (2n + 1). These abnormalities can give rise to a number of conditions. Here are a few of them.

Turner Syndrome: In this condition, there is monosomy of the sex linked chromosome, the resulting zygote has only one X chromosome (X + 0). As only X chromosome is present the resulting zygote, it develops into a female. These females are usually sterile with underdeveloped sexual characters. Their stature is usually short, have a webbed neck and low-set ears. They have been observed to suffer from heart defects, diabetes, and hypothyroidism. Intelligence is normal in these females.

Down Syndrome: This results from the trisomy of the autosomal chromosome 21. The frequency of this condition is one in every thousand births. Nondisjunction is mostly of maternal origin. Individuals with this syndrome usually have a lower intelligence and poor immunity. These individuals usually have slanting eyes and experience a stunted growth. The mouth is usually small, and the tongue may be protruding. These individuals usually suffer from heart defects and thyroid abnormalities.

Klinefelter Syndrome: It occurs due to trisomy of sex-linked chromosomes, due to the nondisjunction of paternal sex chromosomes in meiosis I. The individuals suffering from this syndrome exhibit the development of breasts as well as underdeveloped male sex characteristics. These males are more susceptible to autoimmune disorders, breast cancer, and osteoporosis―conditions that usually affect females.
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Retinoblastoma: Nondisjunction in mitosis can lead to abnormalities like cancer. Retinoblastoma protein is a tumor suppressor protein located on chromosome 13. Mutations in the gene encoding for this protein, RB1 gene on one chromosome could cause a loss of the wild type gene from the other chromosome in subsequent rounds of replication. This loss of the functional suppressor prompts cells to divide unchecked. Retinoblastoma is a rare cancer that develops in immature cells of the retina. It is usually found to affect young children and results in the loss of vision in the affected eye.
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/what-is-nondisjunction-and-what-are-its-effects.html


Ethical Appeal Explained with Examples

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Ethical appeal is a skill of persuasion that bases itself on the credibility and trust regarding the persuader. Buzzle elaborates on this variety of rhetorical appeal through different examples.
Meaning of ethical appeal with example
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Fear, humor, bandwagon, adventure, romance, etc., are some frequently used advertising appeals.
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Dressing up as a professional, for example as a dentist in a toothpaste advertisement, is an intelligent way of creating trust among the viewers about the quality of a product. Adding the year of establishment of the business or company (for instance, since 1881) in its logo or tagline produces a sense of credence and reliability among consumers.

Appeals made like these get all our attention, leading us to buy that product or service. No harm in it either, as it is simply presenting oneself in a way so as to generate a sense of assurance in the audience. But let's just try to find out what exactly goes into making such efficacious appeals. Ethical appeal is one of those magic tools that can manipulate our thoughts. Stemming originally from Aristotle's concept of 'ethos', it is a kind of persuasion technique.


Ethical appeal is the persuasion made on the basis of the character and credibility of the persuader. It describes why someone should listen to or believe a persuader. Ethical appeal can be an appeal made by a public speaker/orator, writer, or by advertisements through various media, including print and television. The trustworthiness felt about the approaching person is the key to this thought.

Examples of Ethical Appeal

In any society, there always are some personalities that are eternally revered. Quite possible that it is the position or the profession that is respected, more than the individual holding it. These few people include judges, teachers, priests, preachers, deacons, and others. Their views and opinions are mostly believed to be the "correct opinions". Apart from the intellectual appeal their thoughts may make, we also get influenced by the authority that they represent. Such factors that instill an impression about the authenticity of a given argument, and the person making it, explains what ethical appeal implies. Listed below are some examples of ethical appeals made as written/oral speech, published, or advertised content.

Character-based Persuasion

1. "I am prescribing this treatment for you after having dealt with hundreds of patients with similar symptoms."

2. "I hope you will not ignore my opinion, and as a dentist, I suggest a root canal therapy in this case."

3. "Nobody can equal her performance when it comes to perfected Axel jumps; besides, she is known for some of the most difficult free skate performances in figure skating."

4. "I have been going behind many such suicide bombers, for years now. Have found out their secret operating cells, and have even successfully defeated their plans several times. You can easily trust me with this case."

5. "If his service as a Marine has taught him something, it is that, caution is the best policy in a situation like this."


Appeals are presented well through speeches, especially by political personalities. Along with many other tactics to influence the general masses, ethical appeal serves as an effective tool as well.

6. "I need not say how we have been together in happy and sad times. My efforts towards the development of the city, combined with a career as an experienced public servant, has helped our city become home to a million happy souls. Your appreciation shows that you cannot think of anyone else as a potential candidate to be the city's next mayor. Thank you!"

7. "I will end this war in Iraq responsibly, and finish the fight against al-Qaida and the Taliban in Afghanistan. I will rebuild our military to meet future conflicts. But I will also renew the tough, direct diplomacy that can prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and curb Russian aggression. I will build new partnerships to defeat the threats of the 21st century: terrorism and nuclear proliferation; poverty and genocide; climate change and disease. And I will restore our moral standing, so that America is once again that last, best hope for all who are called to the cause of freedom, who long for lives of peace, and who yearn for a better future."
―Barack Obama, Presidential Acceptance Speech, 28 August 2008.

8. "You know me! Remember we had met when floods had overwhelmingly devastated this town, and brought it to complete ruins two years back. It was all of us planning for and working out all the rehabilitation work together. That is how we had met, and we have since then been helping each other with all tasks; big and small."


Citing crucial sources adds to the credibility of the information being put forth. Similarly, if we find direct numbers, costs, percentages, and such statistical information, we tend to feel more convinced by it.

9. "The number of undernourished is actually declining. The Food and Agriculture Organization also supports this fact. According to its statistics, the count of undernourished is falling, especially after 2009."

10. "We have been engaged in research about the interrelationships between various flora and fauna of these wetlands since two decades. It is thus not surprising for us to occasionally come across a few threatened species. And talking about numbers, you would not find a more valid source than the list of endangered species compiled based on the outcomes of this study."
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Ethical appeal or ethos forms one type of rhetorical appeal. There are two other kinds: the logos, and pathos. Looking at it from this outside in viewpoint may get you curious about how easy or difficult it is to convince us humans.


Understanding the Clincher Sentence with Examples

As a part of academic writing, a clincher sentence plays an important role in resolving the claims and theories laid in the preceding paragraph. In this article, we will look at what a clincher sentence is, its purpose, and a few examples to help understand their use.
Meaning of clincher sentence
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Quick Tip
It is important to note that, although the clincher sentence is the last statement of a paragraph, it should not bring attention to the fact that the essay is at an end by directly stating so. This is because, the conclusion of the essay will usually have to maintain a tone of credibility, which can be damaged by an unprofessional clincher.
A clincher sentence can be defined as a statement, argument, fact, situation, or the like, that is decisive or conclusive. In academic writing, this is a statement in a expository paragraph which reiterates the topic and summarizes how the information in the paragraph supports the topic. Normally, each paragraph starts with a topic sentence which tells the reader about what the paragraph will discuss. This is followed by the body which gives evidence and arguments that support the topic statement. The final sentence of each of these paragraphs are clincher sentences. The statement should not simply be a summary, but it should make the reader feel that the writing is complete.

If you want to write an effective paragraph, a clincher sentence at the end is a must. It wraps up the topic, provides closure, and concludes the writing. Its purpose is also to give the writer a chance to leave a strong impression on the reader.

Role of a Clincher Sentence

A clincher sentence should smoothly end the essay, keeping the needs of the reader in mind. The sentence should not restate the exact words, but should end a complicated topic in way that is easy to understand. Rather than just being a plain summary, it has to add value to the paragraph.

How to Write a Clincher Sentence

For starters, try beginning the concluding sentence with words such as 'ultimately' or 'in conclusion'. Immediately following these words, the clincher sentence does state the topic statement one more time in new words, and broadens out the stance, before ending the paragraph. It is important that you maintain a professional tone, and make your stand on the topic absolutely clear without a trace of ambiguity. The clincher should reinforce and summarize the topic that you have written about in the preceding paragraph.

Another alternative is to ask the reader a question, or insert a quote, which is most likely to get a positive response towards a hypothesis being presented by the topic, or one can use shocking facts, rhetorical questions, humor, or an appeal to the reader, if it is appropriate for the paragraph. Using plain facts and numbers could make the reader bored. So make sure that the clincher is strong and packs a punch.


Example 1: Topic: Seattle is a beautiful place.

Body Paragraph: The city of Seattle has a large number of picturesque locations, with a wide variety of environment, which makes the city a great place for photography, and draws a large number of tourists each year. For the best pictures, visit Pu Pu Point, Snoqualmie Falls, Columbia Tower, Beacon Hill, Gasworks Park, Seattle Central Library, Pioneer Square, amongst many others.

Clincher Sentence: It is clear from the immense number of scenic locales that are on offer, that Seattle is a memorable place that one must visit.

Example 2: Topic: Pets help in detecting disease.

Body Paragraph: Pets reduce loneliness, they're loyal, comfort us in tough times, and keep us happy. However, some animals seemingly perform miracles by predicting health problems and keeping their owners from dangerous situations. In California, a woman named Nancy Best noticed that her dog kept sniffing and licking her right breast. On consultation, doctors diagnosed her with breast cancer. In another case, a woman named Megan Johnson, who had type 1 diabetes, was woken up from her sleep by her dog several times when her sugar levels were dangerously low.

Clincher Sentence: With their extremely accurate senses, pets can be quite helpful in finding and alerting a person of illnesses before it becomes too late.
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As can be seen, with their high-impact nature, clincher sentences are a great method to end an essay or thesis.


Understanding Catachresis

Imagine reading 'He was happy as a corpse' or 'Her laughing feet fell overboard with amusement' funny sentences with literally imaginative meanings. This kind of misapplied reasoning in literature is known as catachresis. This article helps you understand the meaning of catachresis further with examples.
Concept of catachresis with example
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Absurd Emotions!
A more comical and absurd form of Catachresis is abusio where two metaphors are used simultaneously to produce mixed metaphor. e.g. It's as easy as falling off a piece of cake.
Linguistic scholars will often frown at the misapplication of words and phrases that totally twist out the meaning of any given sentence but famed authors and poets have used this literary figure of speech to convey subtle messages or to enhance the reading experience. Catachresis is a combination of hyperbole (exaggeration) and synaesthesia (union of sensations) and is exemplary use of imagery speech which at times can be used to deliberately create humor.

In literary terms, a catachresis is an error in language. For most grammatical case, it regards using a word in the awry context or straining the word's meaning from its traditional norm.


Catachresis: is a figure of speech that uses mixed metaphor or is the misuse or strained use of words to create an error or rhetorical effect. It is often used intentionally to create a unique grammatical construction or an exaggerated comparison between two themes or objects.


According to Oxford dictionary it originated from mid 16th century Greek word katakhrēsis or katakhrēsthai which means misuse or abuse. The subtype of Catachresis is known as Abusio in Latin also meaning abuse.

Characteristics & Functions

★ A entirely inconceivable figure of speech or an entailed metaphor that results from blending other distinct figures of speech such as anthimeria, hyperbole, metonymy, and synaesthesia.

★ Using words in the wrong sense or out of its traditional context. e.g. Can't you hear that? Are you blind?

★ Creating a paradox through words popularly known as oxymoron e.g. calm storm, dry ice.

★ Usage of mixed metaphors to convey a deep meaning or expression. e.g. 'Tis deepest winter in Lord Timon's purse.' - Shakespeare's Timon of Athens

★ Using unnecessary simile. e.g. 'There she stood on stage for all to see, showing off like the greedy songbird she was' - Movie Amadeus

★ In poetry, it is used by misusing a phrase or word to intentionally create a mixed metaphor. Poets use it extensively to achieve a stylistic effect or exert great contraction in both comic as well as serious sense.

Examples in Literature

1.Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And, by opposing, end them? To die, to sleep
― Hamlet - William Shakespeare

2.A man that studies revenge keeps his own wounds green..
― On Revenge - Francis Bacon

3.Mow the beard,
Shave the grass,
Pin the plank,
Nail my sleeve.....
― Peri Bathous - Alexander Pope

Examples in Poetry

1.With just the Door ajar
That oceans are-and Prayer-
And that White Sustenance-Despair-
― I Cannot Live With You (Poem 640) - Emily Dickinson

2.The voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses -
nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands....
― somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond - E.E. Cummings

Examples in Movies

1."Honey, you are a regular nuclear meltdown. You'd better cool off."
― Susan Sarandon - Bull Durham

2."I'm the producer of this show. If I didn't step up, you're nowhere. I put this thing together on a spit and polish''..
― Dustin Hoffman - Wag the Dog

3."Mr. Jensen feels we're too catastrophic in our thinking. I argued that television was a volatile industry in which success and failure were determined week by week. Mr. Jensen said he did not like volatile industries and suggested with a certain sinister silkiness that volatility in business usually reflected bad management."
― Robert Duvall - Network


1.He looked at the price and his pockets ran dry.

2.She grabbed the bull by the horns of dilemma.

3.I will speak daggers to her.

4.The little lady turtled along at twelve miles per hour.

5.We went soundseeing today.
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It's definitely a successful trope that engages the reader by providing vivid imagination along with confusion to draw attention and reveal the subtle meaning.


Why is New York Called "The Big Apple"

New York City is one of the most happening cities in the world. It is the place to be not just for business, but also to live your life to the fullest. All things are first seen in New York. Also, called "the big apple", everybody wants a bite of it. But, ever wondered why is New York called "the big apple"?
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If you are an ambitious single man, you know where you should be - New York. It is the hub of economic activities and single women outnumber their male counterparts! Quite a combination. And there is so much more to the city, lovingly referred to as "the Big Apple". You can dine at some of the world's most amazing restaurants here that will tantalize your taste buds, live the finest lifestyle, experience one of the best night lives and be the first to adopt the latest innovations. People who do not live in New York, visit it as tourists to bite their bit of the apple because this city has so much to offer. New York will enamor you with neatly designed skyscrapers, diverse cultures with more than 800 languages spoken in the city, flagship stores of every fashion label, Broadway, historical landmarks and its entertainment industry. Since long, people have wondered and have come up with some really bizarre theories about the nickname. However, the real picture was brought into light by two etymologists of Missouri University of Science and Technology, Barry Popik and Gerald Cohen, after 20 years of extensive research. Let's learn about their findings.

Why is New York Called "The Big Apple"?

According to the research, the first citation of New York as "the big apple" can be found in the book The Wayfarer in New York authored in 1909 by Edward Martin, though, the reference seems rather metaphorical. Such was the opinion also shared by both the etymologists and the Random House Dictionary of American Slang. Quoting the statement from the book that refers to New York as "the big apple";

"Kansas is apt to see in New York a greedy city.... It inclines to think that the big apple gets a disproportionate share of the national sap."

Later, on February 18, 1924, a sportswriter for New York Morning Telegraph, John 'Jack' Fitzgerald, wrote an article titled "Around the Big Apple". He wrote, "The Big Apple. The dream of every lad that ever threw a leg over a thoroughbred and the goal of all horsemen. There's only one Big Apple. That's New York". This was the second citation of the term, as he was referring to the race courses in New York city, which happened to be the best of their time. In fact, he learned this reference from New Orleans' jockeys, of African-American origin, who dreamed of racing on the New York race courses because the apples or rewards bestowed to the winners were big and very generous in these races. A few years later, in the 1930s, jazz musicians began making the term more frequent in use. In show business, New York was the most coveted place and that was where all performers dreamed to be. There was a popular Harlem nightclub called "The Big Apple" that played jazz. The audience for these performances was large and sophisticated. Having a gig here meant that you'd be noticed and appreciated in a large market, translating into a quick road to fame. In fact, if you may know, it was often said, "There are many apples on the tree, but only one Big Apple". This further affirms the findings. I must also point out here that a dance form in NYC, that became popular in Harlem's ballrooms in the 1930s, was also named "The Big Apple".

However, it was in 1971 that this name was officially accepted for NYC in its tourism campaign. The city had begun to lose its glory and was becoming notorious for increasing crime rates, riots, blackouts and strikes. The campaign made use of red apples to project the image of a bright and cheerful city and attract more tourists to the city. Volunteers for the campaign would hand out apples to tourists. This successful campaign was designed by the New York Convention and Visitors Bureau and gained immense popularity. Since then, the term is associated with New York and every year, about 46 million tourists come to the city, spending as much as $28 billion. In 1997, the West 54th Street and Broadway were renamed as the "The Big Apple Corner", the place of John Fitzgerald's residence, following his death to honor his contribution to the city's toponym.

Rumors About "The Big Apple"

There have been rumors going around about this moniker, one of them claimed that once there was a French pimp called Eve Claudine de Saint-Évremond, who managed a popular brothel in New York in the early 19th century and the women working for her were known as Eve's apples. Hence, the city was referred to as the "big apple". Another rumor attributes the number of apple trees in the city as the reason. According to a third rumor, if the harbors of New York are viewed from the top, they resemble the shape of an apple and hence, the name. However, rumors will be rumors and these were an absolute fallacy. Also, this alternate name of New York is not related to an apple pie, an apple tree or the Bible.
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Did you know? New York was once the capital of United States of America, between 1785 to 1790, and is presently its largest city. New York is the land of opportunities. There are about 800,000 companies operating in the city itself! It is the city that never sleeps. I ♥ NYC!


Staub or Le Creuset Dutch Oven - Which is Better?

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Good kitchenware is an integral part of any kitchen. One such multifaceted kitchenware is the Dutch oven. Staub and Le Creuset Dutch ovens are two of the top companies that have been in the competition for years. They have successfully kept the buyers guessing about which one to pick. So, This article brings to you a Staub vs. Le Creuset Dutch oven comparison to help you decide better.
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Did You Know?
The International Dutch Oven Society (IDOS) is an organization for Dutch oven enthusiasts. Their goal is to preserve and promote the art and skill of Dutch oven cooking.
A good cookware is an essential commodity for chefs at work and the ones at home. A cookware will heat evenly, has a well-fitting lid, sturdy handles, and a nonstick coating. One such kitchen essential is a Dutch oven. You can not only braise in them but also make casseroles, deep-fry, bake bread, and prepare risotto.

Once you step into the cookware department or store, you are often faced with a dilemma about deciding which Dutch oven to buy. The fact of the matter is that both Staub and Le Creuset make the best of Dutch ovens. So which one to buy? Well, this question has been around ever since the time Staub Dutch ovens stepped into the competition in 1974. However, both these companies have proven their metal for decades. We have put them head-to-head to know who reigns supreme.

Staub Vs. Le Creuset Dutch Oven

★ Staub is heavier as compared to Le Creuset. It has a heavy lid to add on to its initial weight.★ Le Creuset is lighter in material because of its thinner body.

★ A Staub Dutch oven has a rough, matte-black enamel interior. Due to its rough texture, over time, there are chances of the cooking oil penetrating the pores.★ Le Creuset has a smooth, light-colored interior. This is both good and bad. The lightest of food residue is very prominent.

★ As Staub has a coarse interior, there are chances of grime getting stuck. However, due to its matte black appearance, it might not be as evident.★ Due to Le Creuset's light interior, the grime and even the lightest of stains are easily spotted. It needs to be cleaned regularly as the cooking surface easily changes color.

Material and Appearance
★ Staub is an enameled cast-iron cookware. These come in round and oval shapes and different sizes, which are called cocottes. Unlike Le Creuset, the signature color of this company is black. But you can find them in multiple colors.★ Le Creuset is made of basic cast-iron coated with porcelain enamel. It's most notable company signature color has to be the flame color, which resembles the orange-red color of molten iron. However, if red's not your color, the company has rainbow hues for you to choose from. These too come in varied sizes and in an oval and round shape.
★ A Staub Dutch oven has a nickel/brass knob that can resist up to 500ºF temperature.★ On the other hand, a Le Creuset Dutch Oven has a phenolic oven-safe knob that can tolerate up to 400ºF temperature. Le Creuset gives you the option of knowing whether it would be used in the oven or stove.
★ Staub has a sturdy handle, which adds on to the weight of the Dutch oven.★ Le Creuset Dutch has larger handles that help in getting a better grip on the pot.
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Final Verdict
When it comes to these two Dutch ovens, you can't go wrong while picking one. Both have their plus and minus points. And so, it is just a matter of choice, which of these points you can let slide and which actually matter to you.


Dog Behavior Before Death

Passing away of a pet can be really painful, although pet owners know they will have to face such a situation at some or the other point of time. Here are a few signs to help you recognize that your canine friend is close to death.
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Dog's behavior prior to its death
The aging of a dog is surprisingly similar to humans. As your dog's age advances, he/she slows down, starts having gray hair, and joint problems. Along with this, there is a significant change in a dog's behavior and activity levels. It is difficult to tell whether these behavioral changes are simply due to old age or a sign of impending death. While each dog acts differently before death, there are some unmistakable symptoms that can warn you about your dog's approaching death.

Common Behavioral Symptoms

☛ Decrease in Movement
While slowing down of activities in dogs is associated with aging, it is more pronounced in his/her final days. An old dog may not show any enthusiasm to go for long walks, jump around, and play. But a dog that is nearing its end, may lie at the same spot for hours together. Alternately, he/she may sleep for most of the day or night. Even if he/she attempts to stand, the limbs are most likely to fail under the body's weight due to lack of energy.

What to Do: Allot a cool, quiet, and shaded corner of your home to your dog. Alternately, allot a space in your family room. This will enable your pet to take comfort from feeling surrounded by his/her family.

☛ Bladder and Bowel Control
Another common observation is that dogs lose bladder and bowel control when their death is approaching. This may surprise you but it can even happen to dogs that have been potty-trained and almost never had any such 'accidents'. It is also common for dogs to have diarrhea towards the end of their lives. Such conditions most often lead to dehydration in your pet.

What to Do: Encourage your dog to have as much water as possible and get a prescription from your vet for an anti-diarrheal medication. Buy plenty of disinfecting and wet wipes to clean your home, and to maintain physical hygiene of your pet.

☛ Change in Appetite
This is the most commonly observed trait in dogs which are close to their death. In the final stages of your pet's life, he/she may start losing appetite as a direct effect of reduced movement and lack of exercise. When offered some dog food, he/she may just lick whatever is held out to satisfy the owner. In the whole process, the dog's weight reduces drastically.

What to Do: Pet owners are advised to avoid forcing their dogs to eat.

☛ Loss of Muscle Control
While shakiness is a common aspect of dog behavior at old age, a dog who is dying may experience severe muscle twitching or mild convulsions. He/she may even lose control on the tongue, which leads to heavy drooling.

What to Do: This is a normal occurrence. There is no particular medication to cure this problem. Take your pet to the vet for getting a temporary medication to control the problem.

☛ Labored Breathing
Towards the end, many dogs find it really difficult to breathe. They may inhale and exhale after gaps of half a minute. Along with this, your pet may experience difficulty in gulping his/her saliva.

What to Do: There is nothing much that can be done about the breathing problem. However, owners need to check for signs of heartbeats from time to time.

☛ Seeking Comfort
This is one sign in dogs that most people provide testimony to. It has been observed that dogs can sense their approaching death. In such a situation, most of them seek out their masters for getting comfort. It might be their own special way of saying a last 'goodbye' to their masters. Most dogs die in their sleep and prefer to be close to their masters at the final moment.

What to Do: Pat and hug your dog as much as you can, if he/she gets clingy. Your pet is just trying to express his/her love for you and get a reassurance of your love in return. Try to spend as much time as you can by his/her side. Speak to your dog gently, if he/she is used to that.
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For most animal lovers, losing a pet is like losing a member of the family. This can leave you grief-stricken and depressed. Therefore, it's best to get a new dog once you and your family get emotionally ready to accept one. Choose a different dog species and a totally new name for it to ensure that you start a new relationship with a new pet.


Listen 25 Examples of Pastiche

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The next time you enthusiastically walk into a movie theater and end up being disappointed by watching a medley of cheap imitation of an earlier blockbuster, you can easily dismiss the movie like a harsh film critic by calling it a 'Pastiche'. This Buzzle article defines and explains the term Pastiche with examples.
One of the most famed pastiche work in literary world is the book Exercices de style or Exercises in Style by French novelist Raymond Queneau. The book retells the same short story in 99 different styles!
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In our everyday life, we admire art, movies, celebrities, and fictional characters; and try to integrate some of their ways in our daily lives. But some talented earthlings go as far as paying tribute to their favorite works by means of creative expression. This mimicking of famed masterworks is known as Pastiche.

A pastiche can on certain occasions be successful, and sometimes a total disaster. Some sources are genius at weaving in many themes and concepts to create a rich and complex work, while others create a melange of items which feel inconsistent and do not work together. Cited below are some notable examples of such works.


Pastiche: is a potpourri of literary, artistic, or musical composition made up of bits from borrowed sources intended to imitate or caricature another artist's style wholly or chiefly of motifs mostly in a bid to honor the original work in a subtle satirical way.


Pastiche comes from the Italian word pasticcio, which in turn is derived from the 13th century Latin word pasticium. The meaning of the word is - a pie or pasty. The Italian pie normally consists of a mixture of ingredients, such as meat and pasta, hence the word reference. The word is also said to have been descended from the Greco-Roman dish pastitsio, which is made out of a variety of different ingredients.

Characteristics & Functions

★ A tongue-in-cheek way of presenting old wine in a new bottle, 'pastiche' is used from centuries to depict famous art, literature, music, and movies like a fan epic or fan work or fan fiction. It may reflect a single piece of work by a single artist, or a body of work by one or more artists, or even an entire genre. The only difference between a fan fiction and pastiche is fan fiction reuses characters or settings from another work; and a pastiche copies the tone, style, and flavor of the original work.

★ Unlike parody, its purpose is not to ridicule but to accolade the literary piece it imitates though it may be comical in content.

★ The idea behind it is that it integrates themes, ideas, and characters which have already been seen and used before. These details are incorporated in a new work because the author finds them occupying, compelling, or useful. It is not plagiarism or outright imitation, but a more complex literary concept. A work is pastiche if it contains multiple acknowledgments of original masterpieces, hence the Oxford English Dictionary aptly defines the term as 'a medley of various ingredients'.

★ The pastiche pieces that exist are a highlight of the original pieces and are accepted by a vast majority of audiences as landmarks of their age. These faux works celebrate the bodies of work by great writers, playwrights, directors, and artists of the past.

Examples in Literature & Books

1. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead is a tragicomedy written by Tom Stoppard and is developed from two minor characters who appear for a brief moment in Shakespeare's Hamlet. The title is adopted from Hamlet's Act 5, Scene 3 when an ambassador from England announces, ''Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead.''

2. Robert Benchley's Christmas Afternoon an eccentric family's story about a chaotic Christmas afternoon is laced with subtle sarcasm and pays homage to Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol. It also mentions Tiny Tim, a character from Dickens story in the end.

3. David Lodge's The British Museum Is Falling Down is a comic imitation of ten different novelists. He mentions the particular writer in the text before he starts imitating their style. For example in chapter 3, 'Adam Appleby', hero of the novel gets stuck in the traffic on his way to the British Museum Library and he mentions 'Mrs. Dalloway's (a reference to Virginia Woolf's novel) booming out the half hour'. Other author styles include Franz Kafka, Ernest Hemingway, and James Joyce.

4. Philip Jose Farmer's The Jungle-Rot Kid on the Nod is a short story with simultaneous references of two very different writers named Burroughs: Edgar Rice (creator of Tarzan) and William S. (Naked Lunch and Junky).

5. Cloud Atlas is written in six different genres, all of which are introduced as loving genre pastiches. Chronologically: Period Drama, Genteel Interbellum Setting Satire, Mystery Fiction, Kafka Komedy, Cyberpunk Space Opera Dystopia, and Science Fantasy Adventure. It's most illustrious in the sci-fi club, and the characters all over the novel comment on the similarities between the stories and the works they extract.

6. Elizabeth Aston's The Second Mrs. Darcy describes the story of a Darcy cousin taken right from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Also Alexandra Ripley's Scarlett is homage to Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind.

Examples in Music

1. Nerd Alert - SCV Love Song - Featuring - KurtHugoSchneider - HuskyStarcraft is a pastiche of Boy Band music written about Starcraft II.

2. The rock band Queen have paid homage through their music to various artists including Crazy Little Love- Elvis Presley, Innuendo- Led Zeppelin, and Somebody to Love- Aretha Franklin.

3. Michael Jackson's Thriller incorporates styles from the 1950s horror movies and 1980s zombie movies, it is also directed by John Landis who made the 1981 horror movie An American Werewolf in London.

4. Radiohead's Permanent Daylight is considered to be a respectful deference to Sonic Youth.

Examples in Movies

1. Quentin Tarantino maker of movies like Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, and From Dawn Till Dusk states that his movies are a medley of many popular movies and genres.

2. The Star Wars series by George Lucas are medleys of 1930s science fiction series like Flash Gordon.

3. Shaun of the Dead pieced from various horror movies, including An American Werewolf in London, Evil Dead 2 and Night of the Living Dead.

4. The Artist is a massive tribute to silent films, as well as Hitchcock, Ford, and other early black-and-white filmmakers.

5. Monsters vs. Aliens and Pacific Rim are inspired from sci fi and the kaiju and mecha genres respectively.

Examples in TV & Video Games

1. Ugly Betty is the popularly adapted from the famed Hispanic Soap Opera.

2. The cult series Supernatural incorporates famous medleys in its episodes including Hell House which mimicked paranormal reality shows complete with found footage, camera abuse, and partially effective censorship. Monster Movie reprized old black-and-white horror films, Changing Channels references Grey's Anatomy and CSI.

3. Dead Space takes inspiration from sci-fi and sci-fi horror genres, in particular 2001: A Space Odyssey, Solaris and Alien.

4. The Let's Go To The Mall dance in the 3rd Just Dance represents the 80s style of dancing.

5. Magical Diary takes tropes and elements from Harry Potter fanfiction, though it mixes in elements of Parody and Deconstruction as well.

Examples in Art & Fashion

1. Pieter Bruegel the Elder's 'De Dulle Griet' is imitation of Hieronymus Bosch's art.

2. Modern artists have always paid homage to Grant Wood's 'American Gothic' in their own unique ways.

3. Marc Jacob's Spring Collection 2013 is inspired by 1960s style of Brigitte Bardot.

4. Vivienne Westwood mocked the traditional notions of being a royal British by wearing a combo of traditional and punk styles.
Prom Dresses

5. Fashion divas Lady Gaga and Katy Perry take inspiration from goth, Egyptian, Japanese, and steam punk cultures for their concerts.

Life is an imitation and pastiche is just a way of saying I like your work and I'm a fan by the means of creativity.


Bean Plant Facts

Did you know that bean plants are among the most popular vegetable plants? Here are some interesting facts about these plants.
Bean plants often remind us of our science classes at school. Beans are commonly used in schools to teach young kids about the science of seed germination and parts of a typical plant. In fact, beans is a generic name for a wide range of different plants that belong to the family Fabaceae, which is otherwise known as Leguminosae. So, there are many different types of bean plants that produce numerous beans varieties. While some beans called snap beans are harvested before they ripen and these unripe tender ones are consumed along with the seed pod, other beans are harvested as they get ripe and the seed pods are discarded, after collecting the seeds. These beans are used in the fresh or dried form. Even the plants are of different types. Some grow as bushes, whereas some others are climbers.

Facts About Bean Plants

It is believed that various types of beans have been cultivated and used by humans since time immemorial. As mentioned above, there are many different types of beans like snap beans, pinto beans, garbanzo beans, broad beans, lima beans, kidney beans and fava beans. Beans are rich in nutrients and is also a good source of fiber. These plants are commonly found in home gardens as they are not fussy and are easy to grow.

These plants are among some of the fastest growing plants in the world. These plants grow and mature at a faster pace, as compared to many other vegetable plants. Their growth rate may slightly vary with the type of beans.
In fact, it takes roughly a month and a half for these plants to germinate from seeds, grow and get harvested. This makes them among the favorite plants for home gardens too.
The life cycle of a bean plant starts with the germination of seeds. The process starts with sowing of the seeds and watering of the soil. The moisture leads to expansion of the seed covering which will crack open. The root uses the energy from the food stored in the seed and emerges out through the crack, in search of more nutrients and water. Simultaneously, the stems grow upwards, as they need sunlight. The stem will gradually develop leaves and grow to a full plant.
A fully grown plant starts producing flowers which will get fertilized. After fertilization, the flowers will dry and drop off. The ovaries of these flowers grow to produce seed pods.
In some bean plants like snap beans, unripe, young and tender seed pods are harvested. Other types of beans are harvested as they get ripe and mature. While many varieties are grown in home gardens, the most popular ones are pole beans (grow as vines) and bush beans (bushy plants).

Due to the growing popularity of bean plants in home gardens, quite a few people are interested in learning how to grow them. Even though the requirements may vary with individual types, these plants have certain basic needs.

How to Grow a Bean Plant

Choose the variety of bean plant you want to grow and get their seeds. Now decide the location, which should provide the plants with full sun, well-drained soil and a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Till the soil thoroughly and make it fertile by adding compost. Make sure to add enough organic matter that is rich in phosphorous and potassium. Plant the seeds after the last frost. The soil must have a minimum temperature of 55 degree Fahrenheit. Make holes with a depth of an inch, for sowing the seeds. The holes must have a space of three inches in between and individual rows must be three feet apart. If the plants are going to produce vines, place stakes at this stage. Water the soil moderately till the seeds start to sprout. As they start producing leaves, feed them with a small amount of fertilizer. You may also use mulch at this stage. Now, wait for your plants to flower and produce beans. Continue with moderate watering. Make sure that the plants are growing healthy and there is no pest problem or disease. If there are any, tackle them at the earliest for a good yield.
You can grow these plants in your garden and get a fresh supply of beans for your family. Even your kids will enjoy this task and will learn about the science of seed germination and plant growth. If you are a beginner, consult a horticulturist or local nursery authorities to know more about growing the particular bean plant variety you have chosen.


Tabby Cat Personality

Do tabby cats have a distinct personality? What are their characteristics? Read ahead for a greater understanding of these felines.
Cute, cuddly and intelligent are the three words which are often used to describe tabby cats. These cats are found in a variety of sizes and colors. The eye color also varies with the breed. However, they do have one thing in common - a distinct M shaped mark on their forehead. It is their distinguishing feature giving them a unique look.
Recognizing and Understanding Tabbies

* Click on the images for a better view. Click on the enlarged image to return to the article.

There are 4 main patterns observed in tabbies:


The various patterns and varieties seen in tabby cats is very interesting to see and study. These patterns are caused by specific genes. Brown tabbies with green eyes are very commonly found. Tabby cats have coats which have distinct markings in the forms of whirls or stripes or spots. The variety in the color of coats such as gray, orange, brown, etc. is another characteristic feature. The stripes on the body of these cats can be easily and rightly compared to those which are present on the body of tigers. These cats are considered as beautiful and graceful by many people.





Personality Traits of Tabbies

The one important thing about tabby cats is that, they're not an independent or specific breed, as is perceived by many people. Cats who have a particular and distinct pattern on their coat, are referred to as tabby cats. The tabby pattern can be found in almost all breeds of cats. Since they are not a different breed, tabbies do not have a distinct personality, or any 'tabby' specific traits. They borrow the traits of the breed to which they belong. That said, it should still be kept in mind that each cat will have a unique and distinct personality, so it is better to enjoy their uniqueness, rather than try to fit them into a certain stereotype.

Although tabbies are not a distinctive breed, majority of tabby owners have reported that these cats do have certain qualities that are slightly out of character compared to other cats. The behavior traits among different tabby cat breeds are as different and varied as those seen in human beings of different locations. Some common traits of tabbies reported by owners, are as follows:

Tabbies are extremely playful and friendly by nature which is quite contrary to the "aloof demeanor" that most domestic felines are stereotyped with.
They love to hang around their family and are usually more attached to a particular person in the house, who does all the tasks related to their day-to-day routines.
They are very gentle by nature and love being the center of attention. They also love sharing the bed with their owners.
Owners say that tabbies are very laid-back and love to spend most of their time having fun. Also, they seem to be sharper and more intelligent than other felines.
Behavior observers say that they are quite affectionate and cheerful, and ever ready to play, unlike the typical 'lazy' behavior associated with cats in general. They love being cuddled, sitting in their owner's laps, rubbing against people's legs, etc. They are therefore, often referred to as "the dogs among cats"!
They do show the occasional willful and stubborn behavior, and are not angels all the time. Also, they love to come and go as and when they please, but this is the behavior that is seen in almost all cats, so is not very exclusive to tabbies.

Apart from the above-mentioned traits, tabby cats also share a lot of common feline traits with other cat types. Most tabby cats are known to be happy-go-lucky by nature, but are bound to get fussy if their wishes are not fulfilled. The personality of a tabby does not depend on the color of the coat.

As is the law of nature, there are exceptions in every case. So you will find some tabbies who are shy and love to spend hours in a peaceful and quiet place. They enjoy being treated with oodles of love and care and handled gently while lifting or playing with them. Then there are tabbies who love to stay away from attention of all sorts and want their own privacy. Sometimes, tabbies also tend to over-react to small things while at other times they simply won't show any emotions. Yes, there definitely are many moody tabby cats in this world! Generally, their behavior is problematic initially, when some other pet is brought into the home, but they eventually adjust well, given time.

A Few Tabby Patterns

Here are a few common patterns found in tabbies. If you are confused about whether your cat is a tabby or not, try to see if his/her coat matches any of the following patterns. They do not have to be exactly same, just similar.
Black tabby catMuddy brown tabby cat
Orange-brown tabby catBrown Classic tabby catBlack tabby kitten
Gray tabby kittenOrange tabby cat
Striped tabby catBlack and white tabby catBrown tabby cat
Gray tabby catOrange-black tabby cat
Black Classic tabby catWhite tabby catGray-orange tabby cat
Orange-white tabby cat
Studying the behavior of a tabby cat is a difficult task but believe me, they are one of the best cats to live with. So when are you planning to introduce one to your household?


Is Fat the Sixth Basic Taste?

We consider sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami to be the five basic tastes. The increasing amount of research in understanding the perception of fattiness has got a lot of scientists wondering if fat is the sixth basic taste. If the same question intrigues you, read along to find out more.
Fact about fatty acid receptors
Did You Know
The ancient Indian system of medicine, Ayurveda deems sweet, salty, sour, pungent, bitter, and astringent as the basic tastes.
Don't you just love to chow down a slab of dark chocolate or just crave for a bite of the oh-so-enticing strawberry? Who doesn't?! But the next time you bite into a piece of chocolate, try pinching your nose so you don't get to smell it as much. We're sure that this time you might not enjoy the mouthful of your beloved dark chocolate very much. That's the power of the sense of smell! Our perception of flavors comes from a combination of the taste and smell of the food that we eat.
Taste is basically the sensory perception of the chemical substances present in food. It is the biological machinery that detects the chemicals present in our food and determines whether the food is fit for consumption or not. We usually classify taste into five categories―sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami.

When we taste something sweet, our body infers that the food is rich in carbohydrate, and thus, is fit for consumption. Similarly, when we taste something umami, our body infers that the food is rich in amino acids, like glutamate, and is therefore required by the body. When we taste something bitter or sour, it is understood that the food is rich in minerals, like sodium, or has free hydrogen ions. However, extremely sour or bitter taste is inherently avoided as the food may have gone bad or may contain toxins.

Is Fat Really the Sixth Primary Taste?

For fat to be classified as a taste, it needs to fulfill certain criteria. There has to be a distinct stimulus, there needs to be receptors and a transduction mechanism that recognize fats. There must be a bodily response to these taste, and the taste of fat needs to be perceived by the consumer.

Fat As Stimulus
✔ Fats are broken down by the lipase found in our mouth, but the source of this lipase is unclear. This so-called lingual lipase can either be of indigenous or microbial origin. These fats are broken down to fatty acids which are easily detected by their receptors. The threshold for the detection of these fatty acids is quite low as compared to that of carbohydrates or amino acids.

Receptors and Signal Transduction of Fatty Acids
✔ Recently, a taste receptor, CD36 receptor has been discovered. This receptor is found on the taste bud cells of humans and are seen to bind with the long fatty acid chains. It has been suggested that high levels of CD36 expression directly correlates with the sensitivity in detecting oleic acid, and may, therefore, play a role in detection of taste in humans.

✔ This receptor works along with G protein-coupled receptors, GPCR120 and GPCR40, which help in signal transduction and the release of calcium. This released calcium activates the monovalent cation channel, TRPM5, that is involved in the processing of the taste.

✔ When fatty acids bind to their receptors, there is a transduction of chemical energy into electrical impulses. These impulses are transferred through the afferent nerve fibers via neurotransmitters like noradrenaline and serotonin. Whether these neurotransmitters are released in response to the taste of fat is still not understood.

Physiological Response to Fatty Acids
✔ The body releases more amount of fats in the blood when the receptors on the taste bud cells were stimulated with fats. This increase was not seen when non-fat substitutes were used. This was suggested via an experiment where the participants were asked to put either butter or non-fat butter substitutes in their mouths and then spit them out. Participants who were given butter showed an increased level of plasma triacylglycerols.

✔ It has also been suggested that individuals with a higher sensitivity to fatty acids (more number of receptors) have a lower body mass index (BMI), and vice versa. Some studies have also suggested a relation between the sensitivity to fatty acids, i.e., number of receptors for fatty acids, and dietary preference to fatty acids.

Perception of Fat
✘ Although very little amounts of fatty acids can easily be detected, the perception of the flavor of fats only comes with the associated aroma and texture. In an experiment, where the participants were given a solution of fatty acids in an increasing order to determine the threshold beyond which fatty acids could be detected by humans; the participants could only recognize the presence of something unusual. They couldn't identify the taste as distinctly as other tastes. This might be one of the biggest drawbacks in proving fat to be a taste.
Whether to consider fat as taste or not is still open for debate, we hope that further research on this matter would help us to give a more conclusive answer in the near future.


What do Different Flowers Symbolize?

Each flower has a color, a fragrance, and a personality of its own. Red roses symbolize love and whites symbolize innocence. Different flowers symbolize different emotions. For more on this, read on.
"Every flower is a soul blossoming in Nature"—Gerard De Nerval
Flowers are one of the most beautiful creations of nature. Their colors attract one and all. Their breezing fragrance refreshes every being. Blossoms enchant every soul, be it a butterfly, or a human being! Flowers personify beauty and positivity. Many of us know that these beauties carry their own meaning. Different flowers symbolize different sentiments. They have a language of their own. Every shade and every scent has something to say. Let's listen.

Legendary meanings of flowers can be traced back to the Elizabethan era. Victorians were the ones to associate meaning to flowers and regard them to be symbolizing feelings. Since then, flowers have become an easy medium of expressing oneself. Flowers are an integral part of every occasion; be it happy or sad.

Apple blossoms indicate there are better things coming up. Asters stand for variety. In China, they are symbols of faithfulness. Heliotropes and Ivies also symbolize faithfulness, as do the Veronica and the Violet. Blue bells symbolize humility, Cyclamen symbolizes modesty while Hydrangea symbolizes ego. Bay Leaf stands for strength, Borage for courage, and Basil or Bells of Ireland are used to wish good luck.

Carnations native to the Near East, symbolize bonds of affection and love, health and energy. The light red ones stand for admiration and the dark red ones denote deep love. Striped carnations signify a regret that love cannot be shared. Purple carnations symbolize untrustworthiness. Green colored carnations are associated with St. Patrick's Day. The pink ones stand for a mother's eternal love.

Daffodils symbolize regard. Lavender Heather stands for admiration. Red chrysanthemums represent love and the white ones symbolize the truth. On the other hand, sunflowers symbolize infatuation. Orchids have a historic association with greediness and lust. A pink orchid symbolizes pure affection. Acacia stands for secret love, Ambrosia for love returned, Anemone for unfading love, and Gladiolus for love at first sight. See how different flowers symbolize the different shades of love!

Flowers like the Buttercup, Coreopsis, and Jasmine symbolize cheerfulness. Snowdrops and Iris symbolize hope. Sweet pea stands for delicate pleasures and Hibiscus for delicate beauty. Hyacinth and Japonica stand for loveliness.

The Lily of the Valley presages the arrival of happiness. Lilies epitomize majesty. Thistle, a thorny plant, which is the national symbol of Scotland, stands for both the evil and protection. Christians believe it to symbolize the sufferings of Christ. Juniper also signifies protection. Hyssop is believed to ward away all evils.

Magnolia symbolizes perseverance, Maidenhair, prudence, and Mimosa, sensitivity. Rosemary represents remembrance. Poppies are symbols of consolations in times of death. In some countries, red poppies are worn in memory of soldiers who have lost their lives during wars.

Daisies are symbols of the innocence of a child. Red daisies are symbols of unknown beauty. To dream of daisies during spring was supposed to be a good omen. To transplant wild daisies to cultivated gardens was believed to invite misfortune.

When it comes to Roses, it is literally every color symbolizing a different emotion. Red roses evince love. The yellow ones stand for friendship. A dark pink rose is a symbol of appreciation whereas a light pink rose symbolizes admiration and sympathy. Coral roses represent desire and orange ones indicate fascination. Purple ones indicate love at first sight! A white colored rose signifies innocence and humility and a peach rose represents modesty.

We gift each other bouquets of flowers and express our feelings on the respective occasions. Red and yellow roses blended in a bouquet symbolize joy. When red or yellow roses are bunched with white ones, they represent harmony. Getting a bunch of withered flowers indicates rejected love. On similar lines, tulips of various colors are combined to express different tints of emotions. Orange and yellow tulips put together entail passionate thoughts. Red tulips blended with yellow ones say "Congratulations".
We relate different flowers to different moods and flowers acquire meanings. We tend to link flowers to certain feelings thus giving every flower a personality of its own.


Homeric Simile Explained with Examples

Homeric simile is one of the literary devices that was thought to be devised by the great epic poet, Homer. This article explains Homeric simile with examples.
Meaning of Homeric simile
Did You Know?
There are around 200 Homeric similes in the Illiad and around 40 in the Odyssey.
A figure of speech or a literary device, "simile" is used in text to make a comparison and show similarities between two different things. Resemblance is shown with the help of words such as "like" and "as." Similes can be often seen in romantic poetry where a poet compares his love or his beloved to beautiful things in the world. This figure of speech makes the comparison more vivid and easy to understand. For example, Scottish poet Robert Burns explains his love to be "my love is like a red' red rose."

However, a type of simile is used in epics and especially in battle scenes. It is called Homeric simile. Great Greek master Homer is thought to invent this type of simile in his epics, the Illiad and the Odyssey. Let us find out what does a Homeric simile mean.


In A Glossary of Literary Terms by M. H. Abrams, Homeric simile is described in this way―Epic Similes are formal, sustained similes in which the secondary subject, or vehicle, is elaborated far beyond its specific points of close parallel to the primary subject, or tenor, to which it is compared.

Homeric simile is called epic simile as well. The first recorded use of this type of simile was found in two of Homer's greatest epics; hence, the name. It is considered as the most prestigious type of simile. As it is used in epics, which are always given high status in poetry, Homeric similes used in them are also considered as esteemed. They occur during moments of high actions and emotions, especially in a battle.

It is a type of simile that includes a detailed comparison of two objects. The comparison is usually complex that unfolds over the course of many lines. The extended comparison reveals unexpected likeliness between two seemingly different things. According to Samuel E. Bassett, this type of simile is used to supply details, to amplify the narration, to make it more vivid and actual, to make it clear, and to vary the monotony.

Though the epic simile was invented by Homer, several other authors can be seen using it in their writing. According to A Glossary of Literary Terms, "This figure was imitated from Homer by Virgil, Milton, and other writers of literary epics, who employed it to enhance the ceremonial quality and wide-ranging reference of the narrative style." Let us see some examples in literature to understand this figure of speech better.

Homeric Simile in the Illiad

The Illiad is an ancient Greek epic poem credited to Greek poet Homer. The story of the poem is set during the Trojan war and narrates the events of a few weeks before the final year of the war.

"As a snake in the hills, guarding his hole, awaits a man- bloated with poison, deadly hatred seething inside him, glances flashing fire as he coils round his lair."

As when in the sky the stars about the moon's shining
are seen in all their glory, when the air has fallen to stillness,
and all the watch places of the hills are clear, and the high shoulders,
and the ravines, as endless bright air spills from the heavens,
and all the stars are seen, to make glad the heart of a shepherd;
such in their numbers blazed the watchfires....

Examples in the Odyssey

The Odyssey, also written by Homer, is considered as a sequel to the epic poem Illiad. The poem revolves around Odysseus and his journey back home after the fall of Troy.

"I drove my weight on it from above and bored it home like a shipwright bores his beam with a shipwright's drill that men below, whipping the strap back and forth, whirl and the drill keeps twisting, never stopping --So we seized our stake with it fiery tip and bored it round and round in the giant's eye.

"...its crackling roots blazed and hissed - as a blacksmith plunges a glowing ax or adze in an ice-cold bath and the metal screeches steam and its temper hardens - that's the iron's strength - so the eye of Cyclops sizzled round that stake."

"Her mind in torment, wheeling like some lion at bay, dreading the gangs of hunters closing their cunning ring around him for the finish."

Epic Simile in the Aeneid

The Aeneid is a Latin epic poem written in 29 and 19 BCE by Roman poet Virgil. The prom revolves around a Trojan hero Aeneas's journey from Troy to Italy and Trojans' victorious war with the Latins.

Just as often when in a great crowd a riot has arisen
and the common throng rages in their souls;
and now torches and stones fly, and frenzy supplies the arms;
then, if by chance they have seen some man
important in loyalty and services, they are silent and stand with ears raised;
that man rules their minds with words and calms their hearts.

Homeric Simile in Dante's Inferno

Inferno is a first part of Dante Alighieri's 14th-century epic poem Divine Comedy. The poem describes poet's journey through hell guided by Roman epic poet Virgil.

In that season of the youthful year
when the sun cools his locks beneath Aquarius
and the dark already nears but half the day,
and when the hoarfrost copies out upon the fields
the very image of her snowy sister -
although her pen-point is not sharp for long -
the peasant, short of fodder, rises,
looks out, and sees the countryside
turned white, at which he slaps his thigh,
goes back indoors, grumbling here and there
like a wretch who knows not what to do,
then goes outside again and is restored to hope,
seeing that the world has changed its face
in that brief time, and now picks up his crook
and drives his sheep to pasture.

Cerberus, a beast fierce and hideous, with three throats barks like a dog over the people that are immersed there; he has red eyes, a beard greasy and black, a great belly, and clawed hands, and he scars and flays and rends the spirits.

Epic Simile in Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost is a 17th-century epic poem written by the English poet John Milton. It revolves around the Biblical story of the Fall of Man.

His legions-angel forms, who lay entranc'd
Thick as autumnal leaves that strow the brooks
In Vallombrosa, where th' Etrurian shades
High over-arch'd embow'r; or scatter'd sedge
Afloat, when with fierce winds Orion arm'd
Hath vex'd the Red-Sea coast, whose waves o'erthrew
Busiris and his Memphian chivalry,
While with perfidious hatred they pursu'd
The sojourners of Goshen, who beheld
From the safe shore their floating carkases
And broken chariot-wheels: so thick bestrown,
Abject and lost, lay these, covering the flood,
Under amazement of their hideous change.
Part curb their fiery steeds, or shun the goal
With rapid wheels, or fronted brigades form
As when to warn proud cities war appears
Waged in the troubled sky, and armies rush
To battle in the clouds, before each van
Prick forth the aery knights, and couch their spears
Till thickest legions close; with feats of arms
From either end of Heaven the welkin burns


Difference Between Reality, Pleasure, and Morality Principle

The reality, morality, and pleasure principles are based on Freud's theory of psychoanalysis. The latter has more to do with biological drives, whereas the ego and super-ego are concerned more with satiating biological drives in a socially acceptable manner. Sounds confusing? Here's an easy version by this article that clearly explains the difference between them. Take a look!
Although all three principles are different, they are interconnected portions of the human mind. One is incomplete without the other. According to Freud's structural model, the pleasure principle can be attributed to id, whereas the reality one is attributed to the ego. The third, which is the super-ego, operates on the morality principle. It is nothing but the conscience of a person―the ability to distinguish between right and wrong.
Id seeks instant gratification of drives, whereas ego delays gratification in order to function effectively in the real world. Super-ego is the decision-making authority, it analyzes the outcomes presented by ego and chooses one.

Here, explained below are some differences between the three with suitable examples.

Difference Between Reality, Pleasure, and Morality Principle

➔ The most basic difference, as mentioned previously, is the three structural divisions of the mind as given by Freud. The pleasure principle is linked to the id, the reality principle is linked to the ego, whereas the morality principle is linked to the super-ego. Each of the three are necessary for healthy mental functioning.

➔ During infancy, the child's behavior is completely based on the pleasure principle. This is because all the child's needs are almost instantaneously gratified by his/her parents. However, as the child grows up, the ego begins to develop. For instance, when the child goes to school and cries wanting to see his mother, his/her need isn't gratified immediately. The teacher might pacify the child by the means of distraction, giving the child a toy to play with, etc. This makes the child realize that certain needs are not gratified instantly, they need to wait.

This implies that the ego develops in succession to the id. This happens as the child is gradually exposed to people other than his parents, and places other than his home. The ego comes from the child's understanding of how the world functions. The id on the other hand, being more biologically triggered, exists right from birth. The presence of id in the initial years of life is of great importance, as this is what makes the child cry to satiate his/her needs for food, sleep, and love or attention.

Likewise, the development of ego post infancy also helps the child to adjust or tolerate the societal norms. But this doesn't mean that the id has disappeared. It still exists, but is governed by the ego. Ego is like an executive or administrative manager. It acts as a mediator between the external world, super-ego, and the needs of the id.

➔ The deciding entity is ultimately the super-ego. It's definitions of right and wrong determine which option to choose. The super-ego develops through experience and learning. For example, a child is taught that lying is bad, and speaking the truth is good. When the child lies, he's scolded by his parents or punished by his teacher. When he speaks the truth, he is appreciated. This is how his super-ego develops.

➔ Consider that you're hungry, and returning home from school. On the way, you pass by a pizza joint. You got money which your mom had given you to pay the school fees, but you forgot to pay it. Your id is pleading for gratification, you cannot wait as you're extremely hungry. This is where the ego comes in. It'll analyze the situation, and compute all the possible options and their respective outcomes. Note that the ego doesn't give a biased picture, it only shows different aspects in which a situation can be handled.

The options could be you using the fee money to eat a pizza. But if you do that, you'll have to answer to your mom, and she would be extremely angry. You can rush home, and have your supper. However, in case you're craving to have a pizza, you can go home and ask your mom for some money to eat pizza. Now that the id has given all the possible options and outcomes, it consults the super-ego (morality principle) for a correct decision.

Although ego mediates between id and super-ego, it has more affinity towards the former. Once, the super-ego gives a verdict, the ego does the job to execute it. So if the child's morale is well-developed, he would head straight home and either eat his supper, or ask his mom to order a pizza for him.

➔ The final decision is always taken in consultation to the super-ego (morality). However, as mentioned earlier, the ego is slightly partial towards the id; it sometimes may execute pleasurable desires in favor of the id. This may make the super-ego furious (if it has judged the act to be wrong), and it might induce a sense of guilt or inferiority. In such cases, ego uses defense mechanisms to amend the values of the super-ego. This can be widely seen in case of addictions. The pleasure derived from smoking a cigarette is so immense that the super-ego, which previously denied such an act, begins approving it. Additionally, as the addiction increases, the super-ego's scope shifts from 'not doing it', to 'doing it in a socially acceptable and safe way'. So if a person is craving for a cigarette, and can't have one because of the presence of his family, he may excuse himself and go to an isolated spot to feed his id.

➔ Although smoking or addiction of any sort doesn't technically suffice the id, it is in some way associated with some or the other biological or psychological drive. For instance, smoking or doing drugs can be associated with peer pressure or the desire to be part of a clique which engages in such addictions. It can also be associated with aversive sensations; a person might fall prey to a deadly addiction, just because he feels that it relieves him of stress or anxiety. Addictions can also be a result of social rejection.
This is how Freud defines the pleasure (id), reality (ego), and essentially, the morality (super-ego) principle

History of the Dungarees

Known for their tough and durable nature, dungarees were initially very popular among the people involved in physical labor. In this article, we will study the history of dungarees, and look at how it turned from clothing for manual laborers to a major fashion statement that it is today.
History of dungarees
Did You Know?
Nintendo mascot Mario is known to wear dungaree overalls. According to the creators of Donkey Kong, overalls were chosen to clothe Mario as it was easiest to animate the character's running action in this garment.
Origins of Dungarees
The history of the word dungarees is believed to have come from the Indian words 'dungri' or 'dongerjins', which were manufactured in 'Dongri', a village in Mumbai, in the 1600s where this type of calico fabric was first invented.

Dungaree is a type of cloth that is woven from thick durable cotton twill, which is mostly dyed blue in color. While dungarees in the UK refer specifically to overalls, i.e., casual garments consisting of trousers with a bib held up by straps over the shoulders, it is used in the US to describe blue jeans, or jeans used while doing manual labor.

Most records show that dungarees first originated in 1792, as a protective garment for slaves, farmers, mechanics, and other people whose occupation involved a lot of manual labor. These garments were made with cheap, poorly-fitting, rough, and durable fabric, which marked it as a garment for men of the lower classes.

Dungarees for Children
Children Wearing Dungarees
Fashion History of Dungarees
Initially, any fashion related to dungarees was solely associated with rural American men. The use of these overalls, commonly known as slops, was widely seen in militias that participated in the American revolutionary war, for the infantry as well as the cavalry, where the bib and the jeans were separate.

In the mid 1800s, the bib and the trousers came together, to form the first overalls. These garments were designed by Levi Strauss, and were ideal for hard physical labor, and for carrying tools, which eliminated the need for waist belts. It soon became a standard clothing for those working in factories, mines, construction sites, etc. The overalls were mass-produced and even color coded according to the profession of the person: white for painters, pinstriped for railroad workers, and different shades of blue for the rest of the working class.
Dungarees for Women
Dungaree Shortalls for Women

It wasn't until the first World War when women started wearing these garments, as they worked in the factories to help in the war efforts. Dungaree jeans were given a major boost in 1930, when they were marketed in small sizes as a style statement for kids, and not just for the manual laborers. These clothes became even more popular when they were sported by movie stars such as John Wayne and Clint Eastwood, which turned dungaree overalls into a symbol of rugged sexiness.

Eventually dungarees and overalls were given various fashionable modifications in the '60s, '70s, and '90s, where they became the focus for the clothes of many fashion designers. Following a lull in the demand, these clothes were revived in 2010, with many innovative designs, which were sported by prominent celebrities such as Pixie Lott, Rihanna, and Alexa Chung.

History of Navy Dungaree Uniforms
Bell-bottomed dungarees were widely used in the United States Navy during the First World War, as utility uniforms by sailors as well as officers. These uniforms included a work coat of blue denim and matching trousers, along with a white 'dixie cup' cover as headgear, and low black leather boots. The sailors could also wear a sweater inside for warmth. These garments were to be only used when working on some task that could possibly get the person dirty. Sailors were not allowed to go out of naval bases while wearing these clothes, and if they had to travel in these clothes, the cars were not allowed to stop anywhere on route to their destination.

Recently, however, these clothes have become optional, and have to be worn with chambray shirts, with different color codes to differentiate the ranks of the personnel while working at sea. The cloth is made of water- and wind-resistant cotton, that is lined with nylon fleece. Although designed initially only for men, new rules in the navy ensure that even women personnel have these uniforms.
As we have seen, dungarees are available in a wide variety of styles, fabrics, washes, widths, and lengths. While they are not created with style in mind, it is clear that with a little creativity, these garments can be used to present a person with fierce, independent looks.


Are Fast Food Salads Healthy?

The word 'salad' sounds healthy, as it reminds us of green, crunchy, and fresh vegetables. However, not all salads are good for health. Fast food salads might be a convenient option, but can add to your calories. Find out what makes fast food salads unhealthy, and how you can increase their nutritional content.
Did you know?
Some fast food salads have more calories, fat, and sodium content than a cheeseburger.
Salads have always been the first choice of food for people who want to lose weight, or are on a diet. But are all salads healthy? Does switching to a fast food salad really help you to lose weight? I don't think so. Fast food salads are among those unhealthy foods that just sound healthy. Actually, these salads contain excess calories and saturated fat.
To attract health-conscious consumers, many fast food chains have started offering various fast food salads on their menu. Addition of dressing which make it more juicy, tasty, and attractive, makes it all the more unhealthy.

What Makes Fast Food Salads Unhealthy?

Fast food salads are not always a bad option. The culprit behind its high calorie content is the choice of ingredients. The food items we choose are high in carbohydrates and fats, and the dressing we use is way too high in sodium. These are the two major problems with fast food salads.

➥ Food Items High in Fats and Calories
Food items such as bacon, fried chicken, bread crumbs, cheese, etc., are loaded with calories and fats. You might think that having them with greens is healthy, but the fact is, that you will end up eating more of the unhealthy stuff. Even the choice of cheese can shoot up the calorie content of the salad.

➥ High Sodium Content
Fresh vegetables and herbs in salad have nothing to do with the sodium content. Here, the main culprit is the dressing. Dressing is used to enhance the taste of the salad and to make it more juicy. These dressings are very high in sodium, and majorly contribute in increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Crispy coating on the chicken and other crunchy substances like fried noodles, also contribute to the increase in sodium content.

Tips to Make Fast Food Salads Healthy

Following are some of the tips that you can follow to make this disguised 'healthy' option, healthy for real.

The foremost thing to do is to switch to lean meat. Lean steak, fish, sea food, chicken without skin, etc., can be included in your salad.
Avoid deep fried items like fried chicken, fried bread crumbs, fried potatoes, breaded chicken, etc., in the salad. Instead, go for roasted or grilled items.
As dressings have high sodium content, it is better to opt for unseasoned chicken or seafood. If you are ordering it in a restaurant you can ask for the dressing separately, and can add it according to your requirement.
Try to go for a low calorie dressing that includes low-fat, plain yogurt, low-sodium soy sauce, etc. Do not use the entire dressing; half of it is more than enough.
Order dark green lettuce, as it has a high content of vitamins and minerals. Order for plenty of fresh vegetables in your salad, like spinach, carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, etc.
Add beans, nuts, and other seeds which are filling and will provide you with extra protein and fiber.
If you are selecting a salad from the menu, then read the nutrition information provided, and then order accordingly.
Choose small-sized meal and eat slowly. You will not only eat less, but it would also save you from consuming extra calories.
Limit your consumption of cheese, mayonnaise, and other sauces.
People who think that salad is smaller than a meal and hence, order a large portion, should keep in mind the ingredients they have to avoid. Keep a check on the items and calculate the calories, if you are really looking for a healthy meal. Eating a high-calorie, fast food salad once in a while is absolutely fine, but do not make it a habit. You can also ask your nutritionist to give you a list of healthy food items that you can include in your salad.