Evening Dresses
Astonishing Facts about the Drummers!
➨ Woodpeckers are known for their drumming. They drum almost 8,000 - 12,000 times a day. This means that a woodpecker drums almost 20 times in a second.
➨ They have a small brain and a thick skull which protects them from the constant drumming. Also, they have adaptations to prevent the wood pieces from going into their eyes or nostrils.
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Evening Dresses |
Woodpeckers are a part of the Picidae family, which is a group of near-passerine birds. They are found all around the globe, except in New Guinea, Madagascar, New Zealand, Australia, and the polar regions. The habitats vary, from forests to deserts and rocky areas. All the species are characterized by strong bills which are used for drilling and drumming on trees. They also have a long tongue, up to 4 inches in length. The long tongues help them in extracting insects from the wood. Their diet varies as per the species, from insects and grubs, fruits and nuts, to sap from trees. The nesting is typically done in tree cavities or holes in cactus. All woodpeckers except the piculets and wrynecks have stiffened tails which help them balance while climbing or feeding.
There are over 180 species distributed in different genera. The family also includes the sapsuckers, piculets, and wrynecks. Piculets are one of the smallest woodpeckers, but lack a strong bill and the stiff tail. The same goes with the two species of wrynecks. The wrynecks have only 2 species and are included in the subfamily named Jyngiane and the genus Jynx. The piculets belong to the subfamily Picumninae and are divided in different genera, viz, Picumnus, Verreauxia, Sasia, and Nesoctites. The woodpeckers belong to the subfamily Picinae. They are further divided into different tribes. Have a look at the different species of woodpeckers given below.
1. Tribe: Dendropicini
2. Tribe: Malarpicini
3. Tribe: Picini
4. Tribe: Megapicini
Tribe: Dendropicini
Genus: Melanerpes
The genus name Melanerpes has its origin in Latin and means "black creeper". The members of this genus are all found in the New World.
White woodpecker
Red-headed woodpecker
Acorn woodpecker
Hispaniolan woodpecker
Red-crowned woodpecker
Gila woodpecker
Golden-fronted woodpecker
Red-bellied woodpecker
West Indian woodpecker
White woodpecker, Melanerpes candidus
Lewis's woodpecker, Melanerpes lewis
Guadeloupe woodpecker, Melanerpes herminieri
Puerto Rican woodpecker, Melanerpes portoricensis
Red-headed woodpecker, Melanerpes erythrocephalus
Acorn woodpecker, Melanerpes formicivorus
Yellow-tufted woodpecker, Melanerpes cruentatus
Yellow-fronted woodpecker, Melanerpes flavifrons
Golden-naped woodpecker, Melanerpes chrysauchen
Beautiful woodpecker, Melanerpes pulcher
Black-cheeked woodpecker, Melanerpes pucherani
White-fronted woodpecker, Melanerpes cactorum
Hispaniolan woodpecker, Melanerpes striatus
Jamaican woodpecker, Melanerpes radiolatus
Golden-cheeked woodpecker, Melanerpes chrysogenys
Grey-breasted woodpecker, Melanerpes hypopolius
Yucatan woodpecker, Melanerpes pygmaeus
Red-crowned woodpecker, Melanerpes rubricapillus
Gila woodpecker, Melanerpes uropygialis
Hoffmann's woodpecker, Melanerpes hoffmannii
Golden-fronted woodpecker, Melanerpes aurifrons
Velasquez's woodpecker, Melanerpes santacruzi
Red-bellied woodpecker, Melanerpes carolinus
West Indian woodpecker, Melanerpes superciliaris
Grand Bahama West Indian woodpecker, Melanerpes superciliaris bahamensis (extinct: 1950s)
Genus: Sphyrapicus - Sapsuckers
The name "Sphyrapicus" is a combination of Greek words sphura meaning 'hammer' and pikos meaning 'woodpecker'. All birds have slender bodies, stiff tails, and long wings. The birds feed on the sap of trees and the insects are fed to the young ones. They have a typical flight of alternating quick wing beats and short dips. These 4 birds are found in North America.
Red-naped sapsucker, S. nuchalis
Red-breasted sapsucker, S. ruber
Williamson's sapsucker, S. thyroideus
Yellow-bellied sapsucker, S. varius
Genus: Xiphidiopicus
Cuban Green Woodpecker, Xiphidiopicus percussus
The Cuban green woodpecker is the only species of this genus and only found in Cuba. It has the size and shape of a sapsucker. It has a bright olive-green body with yellow underparts. The males have a red crown and the females have a black crown with white stripes. This species prefers dry or lowland moist forests.
Genus: Dendropicos
Cardinal woodpecker
Bearded woodpecker
Little grey woodpecker, Dendropicos elachus
Speckle-breasted woodpecker, Dendropicos poecilolaemus
Abyssinian woodpecker, Dendropicos abyssinicus
Cardinal woodpecker, Dendropicos fuscescens
Gabon woodpecker, Dendropicos gabonensis
Stierling's woodpecker, Dendropicos stierlingi
Melancholy woodpecker, Dendropicos lugubris
Bearded woodpecker, Dendropicos namaquus
Fire-bellied woodpecker, Dendropicos pyrrhogaster
Yellow-crested woodpecker, Dendropicos xantholophus
Arabian woodpecker, Dendropicos dorae
Brown-backed woodpecker, Dendropicos obsoletus
Genus: Mesopicos
Elliot's Woodpecker, Mesopicos elliotii
Grey Woodpecker, Mesopicos goertae
Olive Woodpecker, Mesopicos griseocephalus
Genus: Dendrocopos
White-backed woodpecker
Great spotted woodpecker
Syrian woodpecker
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
Middle Spotted Woodpecker
Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker
Brown-capped Pygmy Woodpecker, Dendrocopos nanus
Fulvous-breasted woodpecker, Dendrocopos macei
Freckle-breasted woodpecker, Dendrocopos analis
Stripe-breasted woodpecker, Dendrocopos atratus
Rufous-bellied woodpecker, Dendrocopos hyperythrus
Darjeeling woodpecker, Dendrocopos darjellensis
White-backed woodpecker, Dendrocopos leucotos
Okinawa woodpecker, Dendrocopos noguchii
Amami woodpecker, Dendrocopos owstoni
Great spotted woodpecker, Dendrocopos major
Syrian woodpecker, Dendrocopos syriacus
White-winged woodpecker, Dendrocopos leucopterus
Sind woodpecker, Dendrocopos assimilis
Himalayan woodpecker, Dendrocopos himalayensis
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Dendrocopos minor
Middle Spotted Woodpecker, Dendrocopos medius
Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker, Dendrocopos kizuki
Genus: Picoides
All the members of this genus are found in North America. The members have a similarity which is the plumage of black and white, and brown and white in some species. Also, most of the males have a red or yellow badge. All of them have a chisel-shaped, straight bill which helps them feed on insects, their main diet. Actually, this genus is in need of revision because there is some confusion in the three-toed species like the Eurasian and American three-toed woodpecker. The recent studies say that 6 species of this genus are shifted to a new genus Leuconotopicus.
Arizona Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
American Three-toed Woodpecker
Ladder-backed Woodpecker
Arizona Woodpecker, Picoides arizonae
Downy Woodpecker, Picoides pubescens
Black-backed Woodpecker, Picoides arcticus
American Three-toed Woodpecker, Picoides dorsalis
Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker, Picoides tridactylus
Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Picoides scalaris
Hairy Woodpecker, Picoides villosus
Nuttall's Woodpecker, Picoides nuttallii
Red-cockaded Woodpecker, Picoides borealis
Strickland's Woodpecker, Picoides stricklandi
White-headed Woodpecker, Picoides albolarvatus
Genus: Veniliornis
Scarlet-backed woodpecker, Veniliornis callonotus
Yellow-vented woodpecker, Veniliornis dignus
Bar-bellied woodpecker, Veniliornis nigriceps
Little woodpecker, Veniliornis passerinus
Dot-fronted woodpecker, Veniliornis frontalis
White-spotted woodpecker, Veniliornis spilogaster
Blood-coloured woodpecker, Veniliornis sanguineus
Red-rumped woodpecker, Veniliornis kirkii
Red-stained woodpecker, Veniliornis affinis
Chocó woodpecker, Veniliornis chocoensis
Golden-collared woodpecker, Veniliornis cassini
Yellow-eared woodpecker, Veniliornis maculifrons
Striped woodpecker, Veniliornis lignarius
Checkered woodpecker, Veniliornis mixtus
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Tribe: Malarpicini
Genus: Campethera
These species are found in Africa and areas nearby.
Golden-tailed woodpecker
Fine-spotted woodpecker, Campethera punctuligera
Bennett's woodpecker, Campethera bennettii
Speckle-throated woodpecker, Campethera scriptoricauda
Nubian woodpecker, Campethera nubica
Golden-tailed woodpecker, Campethera abingoni
Mombasa woodpecker, Campethera mombassica
Knysna woodpecker, Campethera notata
Green-backed woodpecker, Campethera cailliautii
Little green woodpecker, Campethera maculosa
Tullberg's woodpecker, Campethera tullbergi
Buff-spotted woodpecker, Campethera nivosa
Brown-eared woodpecker, Campethera caroli
Genus: Geocolaptes
Ground woodpecker
Ground woodpecker (Geocolaptes olivaceus) is the only species of this genus and is one of the three ground-dwelling woodpeckers. It is found in Africa, Lesotho, and Swaziland. It prefers barren and steep areas. Its nests are drilled as tunnels in the vertical bank of water sources. It usually prefers feeding on ants, their larvae, and eggs too.
Genus: Dinopium
Common flameback
Black-rumped flameback
Olive-backed woodpecker, Dinopium rafflesii
Himalayan flameback, Dinopium shorii
Common flameback, Dinopium javanense
Spot-throated flameback, Dinopium everetti
Black-rumped flameback, Dinopium benghalense
Lesser Sri Lanka flameback, Dinopium psarodes
Genus: Meiglyptes
Buff-rumped woodpecker
Black-and-buff woodpecker
Buff-rumped woodpecker, Meiglyptes grammithorax
White-rumped woodpecker, Meiglyptes tristis
Black-and-buff woodpecker, Meiglyptes jugularis
Buff-necked woodpecker, Meiglyptes tukki
Genus: Hemicircus
(3 species; placement in Malarpicini tentative)
Grey-and-buff woodpecker, Hemicircus sordidus
Red-crested woodpecker, Hemicircus concretus
Heart-spotted woodpecker, Hemicircus canente
Genus: Micropternus
Rufous woodpecker
The Rufous woodpecker (Micropternus brachyurus) is a brown woodpecker which is found in parts of India, Nepal, Thailand, Myanmar, and other parts of Asia. It is the only species in the genus. It was formerly placed in Celeus because of the similarities but the DNA tests proved that it was totally different. It is a medium-sized bird with a brown body. It has a slightly curved bill and the males have small red patches near the eyes.
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Tribe: Picini
Genus: Picus
The species of this genus are spread all over Europe, North Africa, and Asia. These are large woodpeckers and have green upperparts. These roam around in forests and open woodlands to feed on insects like ants and termites.
Laced woodpecker
European green woodpecker
Black-headed woodpecker
Grey-headed woodpecker
Lesser yellownape, Picus chlorolophus
Crimson-winged woodpecker, Picus puniceus
Streak-breasted woodpecker, Picus viridanus
Laced woodpecker, Picus vittatus
Streak-throated woodpecker, Picus xanthopygaeus
Scaly-bellied woodpecker, Picus squamatus
Japanese green woodpecker, Picus awokera
European green woodpecker, Picus viridis
Iberian green woodpecker, Picus sharpei
Levaillant's woodpecker, Picus vaillantii
Red-collared woodpecker, Picus rabieri
Black-headed woodpecker, Picus erythropygius
Grey-headed woodpecker, Picus canus
Sumatran woodpecker, Picus dedemi
Black-naped woodpecker, Picus guerini
Genus: Mulleripicus
Ashy woodpecker, Mulleripicus fulvus
Northern sooty woodpecker, Mulleripicus funebris
Southern sooty woodpecker, Mulleripicus fuliginosus
Great slaty woodpecker, Mulleripicus pulverulentus
Genus: Dryocopus
The name Dryocopus comes from the Greek words drus meaning oak tree and kopos meaning cutter. The three species of this genus are large and powerful. These are non-migratory birds and are permanent residents in North and South America, Asia, and Europe. These are mainly black and some reds as a crest. Some also have whites, in different proportions. These feed basically on insects like the beetle larvae from the trees.
Black woodpecker
White-bellied woodpecker, Dryocopus javensis
Andaman woodpecker, Dryocopus hodgei
Black woodpecker, Dryocopus martius
Genus: Hylatomus
There are 5 species in this genus. All of them are distributed in North and South America. All the species were formerly in Dryocopus but were separated later. Also, the species dusky-winged woodpecker and lineated woodpecker were considered as the same because they had the same name Dryocopus lineatus.
Lineated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker
Helmeted woodpecker, Hylatomus galeatus
Dusky-winged woodpecker, Hylatomus fuscipennis
Lineated woodpecker, Hylatomus lineatus
Pileated woodpecker, Hylatomus pileatus
Black-bodied woodpecker, Hylatomus schulzi
Genus: Celeus
This is a genus with many species, with different features. All of these species are spread in Central and South America. They prefer to inhabit the tropic and subtropical forests.
Cinnamon woodpecker
Blond-crested woodpecker
Cinnamon woodpecker, Celeus loricatus
Scaly-breasted woodpecker, Celeus grammicus
Waved woodpecker, Celeus undatus
Chestnut-colored woodpecker, Celeus castaneus
Chestnut woodpecker, Celeus elegans
Pale-crested woodpecker, Celeus lugubris
Blond-crested woodpecker, Celeus flavescens
Cream-colored woodpecker, Celeus flavus
Rufous-headed woodpecker, Celeus spectabilis
Kaempfer's woodpecker, Celeus (spectabilis) obrien
Ringed woodpecker, Celeus torquatus
Amazonian black-breasted woodpecker, Celeus occidentalis
Atlantic black-breasted woodpecker, Celeus tinnunculus
Genus: Piculus
Rufous-winged woodpecker, Piculus simplex
Stripe-cheeked woodpecker, Piculus callopterus
Lita woodpecker, Piculus litae
White-throated woodpecker, Piculus leucolaemus
Yellow-throated woodpecker, Piculus flavigula
Golden-green woodpecker, Piculus chrysochloros
Yellow-browed woodpecker, Piculus aurulentus
Genus: Colaptes - Flickers
Red-shafted flicker
Campo flicker
Gilded flicker
Northern flicker, Colaptes auratus
Yellow-shafted flicker, Colaptes (auratus) auratus
Caribbean flicker, Colaptes (auratus) chrysocaulosus
Guadalupe flicker, Colaptes auratus - extinct (c.1906)
Red-shafted flicker, Colaptes cafer
Guatemalan flicker, Colaptes mexicanoides
Campo flicker, Colaptes campestris
Pampas flicker, Colaptes campestroides
Gilded flicker, Colaptes chrysoides
Fernandina's flicker, Colaptes fernandinae
Bermuda flicker, Colaptes oceanicus (Extinct 17th century)
Chilean flicker, Colaptes pitius
Northern Andean flicker, Colaptes cinereicapillus
Southern Andean flicker, Colaptes rupicola
Subgenus: Chrysoptilus
Spot-breasted woodpecker
Black-necked woodpecker, Colaptes atricollis
Green-barred woodpecker, Colaptes melanochloros
Golden-breasted woodpecker, Colaptes melanolaimus
Spot-breasted woodpecker, Colaptes punctigula
Bronze-winged woodpecker, Colaptes aeruginosus
Black-crowned woodpecker Colaptes atriceps
Gray-crowned woodpecker, Colaptes auricularis
Crimson-mantled woodpecker, Colaptes rivolii
Golden-olive woodpecker, Colaptes rubiginosus
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Tribe: Megapicini
Genus: Campephilus
Magellanic woodpecker
Powerful woodpecker, Campephilus pollens
Crimson-bellied woodpecker, Campephilus haematogaster
Splendid woodpecker, Campephilus splendens
Red-necked woodpecker, Campephilus rubricollis
Robust woodpecker, Campephilus robustus
Crimson-crested woodpecker, Campephilus melanoleucos
Guayaquil woodpecker, Campephilus gayaquilensis
Pale-billed woodpecker, Campephilus guatemalensis
Cream-backed woodpecker, Campephilus leucopogon
Magellanic woodpecker, Campephilus magellanicus
Ivory-billed woodpecker, Campephilus principalis (extinct late 20th century)
Cuban ivory-billed woodpecker, Campephilus (principalis) bairdii (extinct late 20th century)
Imperial woodpecker, Campephilus imperialis (possibly extinct late 20th century)
Genus: Chrysocolaptes
Greater flameback
White-naped woodpecker, Chrysocolaptes festivus
Greater flameback, Chrysocolaptes guttacristatus
Crimson-backed flameback, Chrysocolaptes stricklandi
Javan flameback, Chrysocolaptes strictus
Luzon flameback, Chrysocolaptes haematribon
Yellow-faced flameback, Chrysocolaptes xanthocephalus
Buff-spotted flameback, Chrysocolaptes lucidus
Red-headed flameback, Chrysocolaptes erythrocephalus
Orange-backed woodpecker, Chrysocolaptes validus
Genus: Blythipicus
Maroon woodpecker, Blythipicus rubiginosus
Bay woodpecker, Blythipicus pyrrhotis
Genus: Gecinulus
Pale-headed woodpecker, Gecinulus grantia
Bamboo woodpecker, Gecinulus viridis
Genus: Sapheopipo
Evening Dresses
Okinawa woodpecker
The Okinawa woodpecker (Dendrocopos noguchii) is the only bird of this genus. This bird is endemic to the Okinawa island in Japan. It is medium-sized and has a dark brown color and red-tipped feathers. It is currently protected in Japan because there are less than 600 woodpeckers left. It is listed as 'Critically Endangered' in the IUCN list.