
Pareidolia Explained With Examples

Evening Dresses
Pareidolia is a tendency of the human mind to perceive insignificant stimuli as being meaningful. In this Buzzle article, we will go a little deeper into this concept and provide examples of the same.
Pareidolia example
Believe it or Not!
Evening Dresses
In 2004, Diana Duyser of Miami sold a 10-year-old grilled cheese sandwich for USD 28,000 on eBay. She said it bore the image of Jesus Christ.
Have you ever chanced upon a cloud that looks just like a horse? Or how about the foam in your morning coffee making it seem like there's a face hidden in there somewhere? Countless similar examples will follow, and you see these almost everyday; and while this may seem like a very random occurrence, did you know that this is, in reality, a phenomenon called pareidolia?

Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon which occurs when a random and insignificant stimulus (either sound or object) is perceived as being significant. It is said that there is a tendency among humans to want to understand and define things so that dealing with them becomes easier. Which is why, we tend to rearrange objects and things in our mind and give them a form that we can define and identify with.

In the following sections of this Buzzle article, we will go into the details of this phenomenon and help you understand this concept better with the help of certain examples.

The 'Why' Behind the Phenomenon

Pareidolia was earlier thought to be a symptom of psychosis; however, it is now recognized as a normal human tendency. Carl Sagan, an American astrophysicist and astronomer, put forth a theory which said that hyper facial perception stems from a very evolutionary need to recognize other faces, sometimes, too quickly. Like we mentioned earlier, it is a basic human tendency to want to find meaning in something so that we are able to identify and define it.

David Hume, a Scottish historian, philosopher, economist, and essayist, in one of his quotes aptly describes this tendency.

"There is an universal tendency among mankind to conceive all beings like themselves, and to transfer to every object, those qualities, with which they are familiarly acquainted, and of which they are intimately conscious. We find human faces in the moon, armies in the clouds; and by a natural propensity, if not corrected by experience and reflection, ascribe malice or goodwill to everything, that hurts or pleases us."

Though it may seem like a rather meaningless and tedious exercise, to find faces and objects in things that don't really have them, the fact is that it is not always meaningless. The famous Rorschach inkblot test uses this very premise to gain an insight into the workings of the human mind and is a very crucial test used in psychology.

Common Pareidolia Examples

It is quite probable that many may not have heard of the technical name of the concept, though most will have experienced it at some point in their lives. Some of the more common examples of this phenomenon include finding different objects and shapes in clouds, or tree trunks shaped like human forms or faces. Let us look through some of the other common examples of pareidolia.

Sphinx from bucegi mountain
This Sphinx formation at the Bucegi mountain
Bubbles in coffee foam
These bubbles in the coffee foam that look like eyes
Heart formation in cloud
This heart formation in the clouds
Sink closeup
This vision of a terrified sink

The Rabbit on the Moon

Rabbit on the moon

In what is one of the most common and famous examples of pareidolia, the rabbit on the moon, is a theory that has been passed down from generation to generation. There are stories written and tales told, and one is probably encouraged to see it come nightfall.

Space Pareidolia

There are countless examples of sightings of different kinds in space. Some of the famous ones include the Cydonia Mensae sighting, more popularly known as the 'Face on Mars'. When the image was first sighted, it showed the face of a man looking upward. However, higher quality photos taken years later showed that it was merely a mountain which looked like a human face when observed under the right kind of shadowing and illumunation.

Another example of pareidolia observed on Mars is that of The Martian Mermaid. The figure has an uncanny resemblance to a mermaid in mid pose. This sighting caused a lot of stir among people, and NASA was even accused of trying to cover evidence that there was life on Mars. When one views the image as a part of the complete rover, however, the 'Mars Mermaid' is only about 6 cm tall.

Religious Symbols and Figures

Probably the most hyped examples of pareidolia have been in connection with religious symbols and figures. So, finding Jesus or the Virgin Mary in different foods, or finding the Hindu Lord Ganesh in a vegetable is not a very novel thing we hear of. Given the sentimental value that people have for these religious symbols, it will probably not come as a shock to know that some of these findings have been sold for hundreds of dollars on popular sites.
Evening Dresses
While pareidolia can be seen to make its way in all forms and things, and the observing of these becomes almost effortless, the fact remains that it is a perceiving of things that don't really exist. And while we may term this as an unnecessary task, it sometimes does give us an insight into the workings of the human mind. In that way, many experts say that the pareidolia phenomenon could help us understand concepts like the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot.


Understanding Self-perception Theory With Examples

The definition of self-perception asserts that attitude development takes place with self-behavioral observations. This write-up will help you understand the self-perception theory with examples.
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Evening Dresses
Evening Dresses
Self-perception theory
Keeping Up With Research
In the year 2010, Clayton Critcher and Thomas Gilovich undertook research to check the connection between mindwandering and self-perception. They inferred that people do believe their wandering thoughts to be a cue to their attitudes, until they realize that the reason for their mindwandering was something else.
The self-perception theory in social psychology is a rather interesting phenomenon that exhibits the development of attitudes in people. Assume that a person has no particular attitude in himself, due to various possible reasons―lack of experience, sheltered upbringing, etc. Apparently, this theory states that people depend on their behavior to develop their attitudes; that is to say, they observe their own behavior, draw conclusions from the same, and assert that they have a particular attitude or affinity towards something/someone.

The theory also states that people who develop such attitudes do not assess their feelings or moods or internal perceptions. They merely depend on their own behavior to do so. The self-perception theory can be better understood with the help of real-life instances; a couple of them are enlisted in the article below.

The Original Experimental Evidence

The self-perception theory (SPT) was developed by American social psychologist Daryl Bem in 1972.
For this experiment, he used interpersonal simulations, i.e., he asked participants to listen to an audio recording of a man describing a task.
The participants were divided into two groups. Group 1 was told that the man was paid USD 20 for a testimonial, while group 2 was told that the man was paid USD 1 for the same.
Group 2 inferred that the man must've enjoyed the task more, because USD 1 will not really justify the act, while group 1 inferred that the man possibly did not enjoy the task at all, and was doing it for the money.
None of the participants actually knew who the man was, what he felt at the time, or what his mood was. All they heard was his voice and enthusiastic explanation and the initial conditions, and they concluded what the man's attitude must've been.
The results obtained from this experiment were similar to those obtained from the Fesringer-Carlsmith experiment. Daryl Bem stated, "The attitude statements, which comprise the major dependent variables in dissonance experiments may be regarded as interpersonal judgments in which the observer and the observed happen to be the same individual.".
Further research included experiments like the facial feedback and the false confession.
The facial feedback test stated that a person's facial expression may influence his attitude.
Eventually, Bem concluded that a person's attitude is, to a great extent, developed and influenced by his behavior.

The Theory

As stated above, the self-perception theory asserts on the influence of behavioral observations to develop and change a person's attitudes. To put it very simply, you infer from your own behavior.
Many experts state that this theory is particularly true when one has a weak internal thought process; rather, it does not allow self-assessment or internal feelings to contribute to the attitude development process.
Those in favor of the theory argue that it is better for a person to analyze himself from the perspective of an outsider, depending on his outward behavior, instead of introspection, which the theory asserts, will not help develop the proper attitude, given the uncertain internal conflicts.
Two major situations may increase our dependence on the self-perception theory to interpret our attitudes. One, perhaps our internal feelings are weak, and two, we perceive that we have behaved in a particular way out of our own free will.
Consider the first situation. Let's say, you have tasted sushi for the first time, and cannot make up your mind whether you like it or not.
Now, since your internal cues are weak, you cannot decide if sushi is on your list of favorite foods. However, you have eaten it without liking or disliking it. You haven't complained. You haven't felt like throwing up. Thus, you will judge yourself based on how you have behaved.
Eventually, you will conclude that you probably like sushi.
Consider the second situation with the same instance.
You are unable to make up your mind whether you like or dislike sushi. But, your friends assert that it is indeed wonderful. You do not really bother with the fact whether you like it or not, but you go along with their opinion, possibly because subconsciously, you do not want to disagree with a unanimous opinion.
In reality, however, you condition yourself to believe that it is out of your own free will that you have declared your liking of the dish, and not by force.
You are, perhaps, pleased to see that your positive opinion of such a simple matter has made your friends happy, and your pleasure in this situation, your feeling of satisfaction, has led you to believe that your own free will was at work. In situations henceforth, you will begin to rely on this behavioral trait of yours, and interpret your attitude based on this behavior.
Thus, there are many cases when our behavior may be completely different, and developing our attitudes based on our behavior may or may not be completely reliable.

Alternative Phenomena

Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance describes the discomfort experienced by people when their mind is filled with conflicting thoughts.
The self-perception theory was brought forth by Bem as an alternative to this theory; however, research studies have proved otherwise.
To combat this feeling, one can try to bring about consistency in the mind, or make a strong choice between either of the conflicts in question.
One can also consider the likelihood of trivialization, i.e., you need not bother facing the inconsistency in your mind. All you have to do is to focus on the positives, rather than the negatives.

The Overjustification Effect

This occurs when we attribute our behavior to an extrinsic factor rather than an intrinsic factor.
This attitude, however, does not work very well when rewards are given out for the activity.
Ultimately, people end up believing that they work for the rewards not for the fun that the activity offers.

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that a person experiences from within, while external motivation refers to motivation that a person experiences due an attractive outside factor (money, incentives, etc.).
Intrinsic motivation originates from job satisfaction, from the pleasure of a job well done.
Extrinsic motivation comes from the fact that the job will guarantee money/grades/rewards, etc.
The person may hardly be interested in the job, yet, he will complete it, since he will be given rewards.


Example I

Consider one of the simplest examples―a man having cornflakes everyday for breakfast. For all you know, he may not even have analyzed why he has this breakfast food everyday. If you ask him whether he enjoys it, his perfunctory reply will be, "Yes, I do". Or he may say, "No, I don't", or "Yeah, I guess, it's alright". Where do you find any kind of analysis here? He is observing his own behavior to develop an attitude. He notices that he has the same breakfast everyday, he eats it without complaining, he does not really love the food, but does not hate it either. Or may be, he has conditioned his mind into believing that it is good for his health. Whatever the reason, he has developed an attitude based on his behavioral traits. He does not delve deeper into self-analysis, nor does he have a strong opinion regarding the subject. Therefore, he probably concludes that he enjoys cornflakes for breakfast, or vice-versa. This is a classic case of self-perception.

Example II

Let us assume that you are a huge fan of rock music. Now, analyze why you are a fan of the same. As per self-perception theory, you are not a fan of rock music because you like it. Neither are you a fan of rock music because everybody listens to the same, nor are you fan because the music makes you feel good, makes you feel complete. Self-perception states that you have considered yourself to be a fan of rock music solely because you listen to it quite often. Whatever for? You'll probably have no idea. Thus, you are developing an attitude of a rock music fan based on your behavior of listening to it often―you conclude that you do not have any dislike towards it, yet you listen to it, so you must probably be a fan of the same.

Example III

Suppose that you have been assigned a mundane task at work You don't particularly like it, but you do not dislike it either. You complete the task as told. Later, when you are asked how you found the task to be, initially, you might be at a loss of words. This is because, a majority of the time, we are not really aware of what we feel. A couple of minutes later, you might give a perfunctory answer, "Yes, it was okay". You observe that you have not particularly enjoyed doing the assigned task, but you have completed it any way. Thus arise a number of notions―maybe you enjoyed the work, maybe you have an aptitude for it, maybe you can do it in the best way possible, and so on it goes. In this case, you have analyzed your own behavior and reactions, and you have made an inference; rather, you have believed what you told the others― that the work was alright. Whether you actually enjoyed it, whether it was worth the time, whether you learned anything―all this is negated in your mind, since your behavior probably clouds your rational thinking.
Evening Dresses
Bem's self-perception theory seems to provide an alternative to cognitive dissonance. However, many eminent researchers have found the two theories to be conflicting. In the latter, people experience discomfort due to conflicting thoughts, while in the former, people merely infer their attitudes. The question of which theory gains an upper hand among the two is still a matter of controversy and debate. While self-perception may be applicable in certain situations, sometimes, circumstances demand that alternative theories be used for attitude development and interpretation.


10 Unbelievable Uses of Eggs

Eggs remind us of a great breakfast and just everything about food. But, they are much more than that! Apart from their utility in cooking, there are many amazing and unusual uses of eggs. This article tells you about them.
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Evening Dresses
Use of empty egg shells
Think of the Box!
Instead of throwing the egg cartons away, choose to use them in innovative ways. Make ice in them if you need it for a party. Or use them to keep small ornaments or Christmas decorations. You could also plant seedlings in them, and later transfer them to your garden.

Eggs are known for their versatility. You can poach them, fry them, or scramble them. Whatever you do with them, they are always tasty! Plus, they are packed with so many nutrients and are considered as one of the most nutritious food items in the world. Vitamin A, B5, B2, B12, Phosphorous, and Folate are a few of the nutrients you get from eggs. Egg whites have no cholesterol. Hence, eggs make a perfect blend of health and taste!

Egg uses don't end here! There are so many other things you can do with them. Not only their edible part, but even their shells are useful. Given below are some creative ways to use eggs. Just Eggs-periment!

Unusual Uses of Eggs

For Skin and Hair
✦ Eggs can be used for both skin and hair, with or without adding any other ingredient to them. The proteins in them will treat damaged hair and moisturize the skin and hair. The yolk or the white can be used as a facial. Apply it on the face and neck. An egg facial will smoothen your skin. Make sure you wash your face and hair after the application. Also, eggshells can be used as a scrub.

✦ Eggs are excellent for cleaning, especially leather and jewelry. Egg whites should be used for cleaning leather. Just beat up and apply a thin layer. It will clean the leather and make it look shiny.

✦ The sulfur in eggs makes them great cleansing agents for oxidized jewelry. Firstly, hard boil an egg and crush the yolk in a small container. Wrap the jewelry in a paper towel and keep it on the crushed yolk. Close the container and let it rest for a day. The jewelry will stink but you can remove the smell by washing it. This process will remove any tarnish or discoloration.

✦ What do you do when you run out of glue just when you need it? Get an egg out of your fridge and use it. Egg whites are quite sticky. Hence, they can be used very well to stick paper or any light cardboard.

Keep the Pests away!
✦ If you have a beautiful garden but those slugs and worms seem to spoil the beauty of the plants and flowers, use eggshells to get rid of them. Crush the shells and scatter them near the plants. This will keep slugs, snails, and cutworms at bay. Deer will also keep safe distance from the area. The eggshells are known to irritate cat feet which is why even they'll stay away.

Unclog Sinks
✦ Grind some eggshells and keep them near the sink strainer. This has two benefits. The first one is that the shells will trap any solid waste. Secondly, the shells will eventually break down and clean the pipes as they flow down.

✦ Eggshells are rich in calcium and other minerals. This property can be used to maintain the health of your garden plants. Just crush the shells and use them as a manure. You could also add them to some ready-made manure to enhance the nutritional value.

✦ Everyone loves to decorate eggs at the time of Easter. So, why not decorate them at anytime of the year? Easter eggs are hard-boiled eggs but you can choose a different method too. There are many ways to blow the yolk and the whites out, without breaking the shell. You can just prick a hole and let everything slowly drain out. You can then decorate the empty shell or carve it.

✦ Eggs can be used to treat minor injuries. When you hard-boil an egg and then remove the shell, there is a thin film between the shell and the egg. You can wrap that around the injury. If the eggs are not boiled, you can apply a thin layer of whisked egg whites on the injured area. The layer will dry and form a film which will stop the bleeding and the injury will start healing.

Improve Coffee
✦ Add some crushed eggshells to ground coffee before brewing, to improve its flavor and sweeten it. Just keep it till you brew, after which it can be used as manure. It will reduce the bitter taste and give the coffee a good flavor.

✦ Eggshells or egg cartons can be used to plant new small plants. You can prick a hole in them so that the water has space to drain out. These can also be used for decoration. Paint the eggshells or cartons to make your tiny plants even more noticeable.
Evening Dresses
Would you have believed that eggs can in fact be used in so many different ways? So the next time you wish to try something different with eggs, use them in one of the ways we just told you about.


Tips for Safe Disposal of Batteries

Evening Dresses
Evening Dresses
A battery is used to power a number of devices that are used in daily life. You find them in laptops, cell phones, flashlights, hearing aids, iPods, and many other devices. They are becoming popular and their use is on the rise. However, they must be disposed of properly after they are dead as they may prove to be dangerous for the environment. This article tells you about the safe disposal of batteries.
Battery disposal tip
Currently, recycling rechargeable batteries is not encouraged because of the cost and complexity involved, and the low yield.
Evening Dresses
Batteries are devices containing electrochemical cells that convert chemical energy into electrical energy. In each cell, there is a cathode (positive electrode) and an anode (negative electrode). The ions flow between the electrodes through the electrolyte, thereby generating electricity. The performance of the battery depends upon the materials used for the anode and cathode. They are used in a number of portable and non-portable devices like computers, laptops, cell phones, cameras, power tools, torches, lamps, golf carts, smart cars, and others. There are various types of batteries like alkaline battery, atomic battery, lithium battery, lithium-ion battery, mercury battery, nickel-cadmium battery, lead-acid battery and many more.

With every recharge and discharge or when overcharged or subjected to a high current or temperature, batteries wear or age. A point comes when they are rendered unusable and dead, and they stop working. They should not be recharged at this point, but disposed or recycled. Some batteries are considered safe for the environment while others are extremely hazardous. However, it is wise to dispose of any kind of battery in a proper way as their chemicals should not be allowed to enter into a landfill.

Tips for Battery Disposal

➠ Collect all the batteries to be disposed of.

➠ The batteries should be in a discharged condition prior to their disposal.

➠ They must be securely packaged and given for transportation to avoid short circuits and heat generation. Place the batteries inside separate or individual plastic bags before going to the drop-off site. Other than using plastic bags, you can tape the ends of the batteries with an electrical tape, masking tape, or a non-metallic tape.

➠ Check the Yellow Pages for specialist service providers or collection sites that can provide safe recycling and disposal services of large volumes of batteries. You can also search online and find the nearest disposal or recycling center.

➠ The Home Depot, OfficeMax, Black and Decker, De Walt, AT&T, Office Depot and Verizon Wireless are some examples of sites where batteries are disposed of and recycled. Once you have chosen a service provider, contact the place to which you plan to take your batteries. Make sure that they collect batteries. Inquire anything else you might need to know.

➠ There are many battery recycling service centers that you can contact. They will provide you with a battery recycling container or box. You can place the box in a prominent area nearby and encourage others to fill the container with their used batteries. Make a call to the service provider once the container is full. There would be a small charge to cover collection and recycling costs.

➠ Check in a hardware shop or one that sells gadgets. They will know of a proper disposal site for electronic waste in your locality.

➠ Significant volumes of batteries are considered safe for incinerators and landfills. A small number of batteries for disposal are not accepted. However, incineration must be done by an established and permitted waste treatment company that handles batteries.

➠ Mostly, batteries containing hazardous lead-acid, nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride, mercuric oxide, or other toxic elements should be given to a recycling center or a household hazardous waste site.

➠ For disposal at home, there are stores that provide free recycling of rechargeable batteries. In case one is not available in your area, dispose of these batteries in your regular trash. However, make sure that they are not hazardous in any way, and also confirm with your local laws to ensure that this is acceptable.

➠ When carrying batteries in a pocket, purse, or other containers, avoid mixing them with metallic objects like keys, paper clips, or coins. This is to prevent short circuits.

➠ Always store batteries in a dry place at room temperature.

➠ Batteries containing toxic heavy metals like cadmium, nickel, mercury, lead, and other dangerous elements should never be disposed of by throwing them in the regular trash can. This will seriously harm the environment.

➠ Do not carry used batteries with other batteries.

➠ Avoid disposing of a battery in fire or water.

➠ Always keep damaged or dead batteries out of the reach of children.

➠ Avoid subjecting the battery to shock or vibration.

➠ Avoid touching used batteries without protection. Also a battery pack with leaking fluids should not be handled with bare hands and must be disposed of properly.

➠ Do not store used batteries near chemicals, food or heat sources like light, exposed to the sun, or near the oven. This is to avoid explosion. Also, do not store them in large numbers near residential areas.

➠ Avoid disassembling, crushing, or piercing a battery.

➠ Avoid storing used batteries longer than about six months. They should be carried to recycling centers regularly.
Evening Dresses
The regulations and policies concerning recycling and disposal of batteries are different from one country to another and vary with every state and local government. Some countries do not allow disposal of electronic waste in standard waste containers. For example, the European government has imposed more stringent regulations on the disposal of rechargeable batteries than the USA. It is advisable to check and follow the regulations prior to disposing of any battery.


Does the Queen of England Really have Any Power?

Evening Dresses
People have always wondered whether the Queen of England really has any power. Is she really powerful or is she just a ceremonial head? Her Highness definitely has a lot of potential power, and can influence important decisions. Know more about her powers in this post.
Role of the Queen of England
Loved and Adored!
God Save the Queen is the British National Anthem. The Queen is loved and respected by the people, and appears on postage stamps, coins, and bank notes.
Evening Dresses
The Queen of England, presently Queen Elizabeth II, is the monarch of 16 Commonwealth realms including the United Kingdom, and has different roles and powers.

The Queen of England largely has ceremonial powers, but that does not mean she does not influence major decisions. She does have a lot of power. Most of it is just potential power though. The Royal family does play an active role in the democratic process. They take on a lot of ceremonial and diplomatic duties.

The Oxford Dictionary defines power as "the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events". And the queen, who recently celebrated her diamond jubilee, sure has a lot of it!

Powers of the Queen of England

★ The powers bestowed on the Queen or the Monarch are called Royal Prerogative. It is hard to determine the extent of these powers, as most are just ceremonial.

★ The Queen appoints the Prime Minister after the general election or resignation. The decision is made with the support of the House of Commons. She can remove the Prime Minister by dissolving the Parliament.

★ She has weekly meetings with the Prime Minister, which are very confidential, and no records of these are kept.

★ She can encourage or warn the ministers, and can be consulted on important matters through the Prime Minister. She can appoint and dismiss ministers, and summon or suspend the Parliament.

★ The Parliament cannot open without the Queen's Speech. She addresses both the houses through her speech, which is actually written by the Government, and not the Queen herself. It gives an outline of the Government's policy in the upcoming session.

★ The bills passed in the Parliament do require the Queen's consent before becoming laws. But a case of the Queen refusing Assent hasn't happened since 1707.

★ She regulates the civil services, issues passports, can negotiate, sign, or terminate agreements, but cannot alter laws. British passports are issued on Her Majesty's name, although nowadays ministers issue these.

★ The Queen has the power to declare a war or make peace, but this is usually done by the Prime Minister. Her Highness is above the law. No civil action can be taken on the Queen of England.

★ The Queen has the power to grant various honors to the citizens. She can issue orders of knighthood.

★ The Queen does not have much judicial power, but she can use Royal Pardon to withdraw a death sentence. This can only be done if the convict is wrongly sentenced.

★ Queen of England is the Commander-in-chief of the British Armed Forces, Head of the Commonwealth, and Supreme Governor of the Church of England.

★ An oath of allegiance to The Queen is sworn by the members of Armed Forces. The Queen can commission officers, and has a lot of control over disposition of the Forces. They are known as Her Majesty's Armed Forces.
Evening Dresses
As you can see the Queen does have a lot of power, but she does not necessarily exercise it. Most of it is soft power.


What Does the Flower of Life Symbolize?

Evening Dresses
The 'flower of life' is a religious and spiritual symbol that shows evidence worldwide. Some believe it to be 'sacred geometry' representing the basic forms of time and space. Learn more about its symbolism through this Buzzle article.
Flower of life symbolism
Drunvalo Melchizedek
This New Age Movement author is understood to have coined the term 'flower of life' around the 1990s.
Evening Dresses
Religious beliefs all the world over are known to have been sustained for centuries. It can be understood that this was possible due to the various tools employed by these faiths as a medium. The reason for calling certain things 'tools', is that, they have aided the process of comprehension for the masses as to what comprises 'our' belief systems.

It is also quite common for us to feel that all religions have been sourced from the same principles, or describe the same entity. We surely have experienced that at some point of time in our lives. One such commonality that is believed to be shared by all faiths since ages is what is known as the concept of the 'flower of life'.

Meaning of Flower of Life

Flower of Life
Flower of Life Symbol

As mysterious as it may sound, the flower of life is a concept that explains or tries to establish the patterns of the creation of this world; the world as it has emerged from the 'Great Void'.

To describe its structure, it is a geometrical shape consisting of overlapping circles, which are spaced out in six-fold symmetry to give it the look of a flower. As is seen from the image above, the flower reflects perfection and harmony. Taken to be a shape known to all religions of the world, it has been more recently named as 'sacred geometry' by the Pagans. So, this particular design is known to depict the fundamental forms of space and time.

Another crucial implication of this shape is its display of how all beings are interconnected. Thus, it is said to be the ultimate registry containing all information of living beings, which is called an 'Akashic Record'. According to theosophy, an Akashic record maintains a record of all occurring thoughts, words, and actions, as they are impressed upon the 'Akasha' (Ether). In Hinduism, this 'Akash tattva' is considered the primal natural elements from which the other four (fire, water, earth, and air) evolved.

You may notice the hexagonal pattern, where the center of every circle lies on the circumference of six other surrounding circles of the same diameter. Looking at it as numbers, there are in all 19 complete circles encircled by one big circle on the outside.

The following sections discuss some more symbolic arrangements derived from the original form.

Seed of Life
Seed of Life Symbol

This is a formation where the inner seven circles are placed in six-fold symmetry. As the name suggests, the seed of life forms the basic element of the whole design. In Christianity and Judaism, this stands for the seven days of creation, when the Judeo-Christian God created life. The vesica piscis is the intersection of two circles of same radius, with the center of each circle lying on the circumference of the other. This shape was the accomplishment of the first day, to which one circle was added per day, leaving the seventh day to be the day of rest, or sabbath.

A circle is assumed to be the start of the formation of the seed of life. There are some who believe that it was an octahedron (a polyhedron with eight faces) which was the first step. This shape was to spin on its axis, and then form a sphere. This sphere is identified as the abode of the creator's consciousness.

Tree of Life
Tree of Life Symbol

The tree of life is commonly associated with the Kabbalah, or the esoteric discipline and school of thought in Judaism. In Kabbalah tradition, it is used to understand the nature of God. The tree of life symbol refers to the idea of common descent. This, being a universal theme in all theologies, is found to be adopted by some Christians, Jews, Hermeticists, and pagans. It is also believed that the 'tree of life' of the Kabbalah is similar to the 'tree of life' as given in Genesis 2:9.

Fruit of Life
Fruit of Life Symbol

Composed of thirteen circles, we can point out this pattern if we look at the 'flower of life' design keenly. This structure is thought to be the 'blueprint' of the universe. The thirteen spheres are considered as the sacred pattern of the universe. It is the origin of everything that exists, and includes the base of every other design: an atom, molecular structure, and life form. Also, it incorporates thirteen systems of information. The significance of the fruit of life is hidden in the center points of all the circles seen in this image. These centers lay the basis for the structure of the metatron's cube.

Metatron's Cube
Metatron's Symbol

If every circle's center in the 'fruit of life' design is connected to all other centers with a line, seventy-eight lines are formed in all, forming the metatron's cube. The five platonic solids are revealed by this structure. Platonic solids refer to one of the five regular solids: the Star Tetrahedron (Star of David), hexahedron or cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron. These geometrical shapes are spiritually perceived as the standard template forms, which have given birth to all life forms. They are significant as the five main building blocks of all organisms. Believed by some to be a holy glyph, the cube helps keep evil spirits away.

Flower of Life Across the World
Evening Dresses
The flower of life is found...
● carved in stone at the Temple of Osiris, Abydos, Egypt.
● in the City of Ephesus, Izmir, Turkey.
● in the Mosque-cathedral of Córdoba, Spain.
● in ancient synagogues in the Galilee and in Mesada, Israel.
● on the flooring at the Golden Temple, Amritsar, Buddhist temples, and at Hampi in India.
● in the Forbidden City, and in other temples of China.
● in Japanese temples, medieval Italian and Assyrian art too.


What Does Ground Shipping Mean?

Evening Dresses
Literally speaking, ground shipping means 'shipped by ground', i.e., cargo that is delivered in trucks (by road) and not in a flight. This article will explain what ground shipping means.
Ground shipping meaning
Quick Info
UPS ground services provide Time-in-Transit maps (colored maps of the U.S.), which illustrate the transit days that are required for delivery within the U.S. and Puerto Rico.
When you order/purchase products, they are transported and delivered through planes, ships, and trucks. Transportation companies do have sufficient choices for regular and quick delivery. You may have heard of the expedited shipping option, through which goods are delivered in the shortest time possible, say one or two days.
Evening Dresses
In general, product delivery takes around a week and much more, depending on the product. Ground shipping is a service where goods are transported by road, i.e, consequently, they take quite some time to be delivered. The paragraphs below provide an overview of ground shipping.

How Does it Work?

When an item is ordered by the customer, the item is packaged to be sent through the mailing or courier service.
The ground shipping postage (this is very important) is imprinted on the item. This may be done at any retail outlet or an in-house mailing service area.
The designated carrier picks up the package for shipping.
At the shipping center, the packages are transported in trucks to warehouses or similar areas and sorted according to their destinations.
Post sorting, the packages are transferred to ground shipment trucks and sent to other sorting facilities closer to the destination. This continues until the trucks reach the desired destination.
Ground shipping time varies according to the company and product that you have chosen.
It also varies according to the service―courier or postal service.
The price and time also vary as per the source, destination, and the package weight.
Heavy packages are transported through freight services. These shipments are transported via trains or trailers.
If you are provided a tracking number by the company, you can find out where your package is and how long will it take to reach your doorstep.
While air-shipping takes a maximum of 1 or 2 days, ground shipping may take as long as 8 days.
Ground shipping costs also vary as per the company. Shipping services are akin to third-party expenses; prices vary among the merchants.

Types of Ground Shipping

Standard Ground Shipping

It is just another term used for ground shipping―it denotes transportation by land.
Packages delivered by means of standard ground shipping are delivered via trucks, vans, and trains.
It covers all the 50 states in the country and some other countries as well, depending on the company.
In certain cities, companies employ messengers in cars and bikes as well, in order to transport goods.

Free Ground Shipping

It involves product delivery via land, but free of cost.
It is a service offered by many websites as a purchase incentive.
To avail free ground shipping, your purchase order must exceed a certain limit.
Free ground shipping options are more like service promotions, chosen by companies to make their website more attractive to buyers and to gain a competitive edge.


Cost-effectiveness is a major advantage. Ground shipping is a cheaper alternative to air-shipping.
Companies, like FedEx provide a money-back guarantee if the package does not arrive by the scheduled date.
Many companies provide multiple delivery attempts and door-to-door delivery as well.
In case of very large and heavy-weight packages, air-shipping is not a convenient option; ground shipping then comes to the rescue. It uses freight transportation like tractors, rail, trailers, etc.


It is one of the biggest courier delivery services companies in the world that also provides ground shipping services.
Since people prefer to use those services that provide them with a definitive delivery date, FedEx offers a special ground delivery service that delivers the package exactly on the designated date.
The FedEx ground shipping time is between one to five days. If the package does not arrive on the designated date, FedEx offers a money-back guarantee.
It also offers a home delivery service―this is used when merchants offer free ground shipping services.
It also takes between one to five days, and delivers from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Home delivery services can transport packages up to 70 pounds.


The USPS ground shipping time generally varies between one to eight days, which is why it has fewer services exclusively for ground shipping.
The USPS parcel post is one service used by direct mail companies that offer free ground shipping.
Products bought online or the ones purchased on a trial basis and with a money-back guarantee use the USPS parcel post.
This service is a cheaper alternative to priority mail. It is used by many e-commerce websites offering free shipping as a part of their service.
The company also offers a service called 'USPS media mail'. It is also a parcel service and has a delivery time between 2 to 8 days.
Media mail is mostly used by publishing companies and websites that ship books.


Many businesses use UPS after the purchase order crosses a threshold of USD 50.
The reason being, like FedEx, UPS also uses date-specific delivery, i.e., e-commerce companies and similar businesses will know exactly when the package will reach the customer.
Evening Dresses
FedEx, UPS, and USPS are the best providers of ground shipping. They have a variety of service options and resources, which customers can choose as per their convenience. As mentioned in the benefits, these companies use ground shipping primarily as a cost-effective tool.


How is Guardianship Different from Custody

Evening Dresses
Guardianship corresponds to a probate court, unlike custody, which is a matter concerning the family courts. Both terms relate to the obligation of caregivers, or parents, relating to a minor ward or child. There is still some difference between these two terms, explained through this write-up.
Role of a guardian
In certain courts, legal professionals have begun to use the term 'parenting schedule' in place of the words 'custody' and 'visiting', so as to rule out the difference between custodial and non-custodial parents, and aid better child development.
It is a little difficult to distinguish between these two legal terms, which are sometimes inadvertently used as synonyms. However, the implications of both terms are different, depending on the context of the legal issue.
Evening Dresses
Legal guardianship and custody can often be a complex scenario. In case of parents having custody of a child, legal guardianship is not generally allocated. If, for any reason, the legal custodian (either of the parent) is not able to take care of the child anymore, a third party can be appointed as a guardian. Nevertheless, in all conditions, it is seen that the orders issued by the courts are in the best interests of the child.

Guardianship Vs. Custody

The term guardianship can be referred to in three different situations: legal guardian in case of a senior (infirmity due to old age), guardian of a minor (below 18 years), guardian of a developmentally disabled adult. Here, we would consider guardianship of a minor in comparison to what is known as child custody.


Guardianship: An individual who takes care of another person or of another individual's property is a guardian. The difference between these similar terms is made clear by the fact that, a guardian is not a parent. He/she may be a close relative of the child or parent. It is sought when caregivers intend that the child should have a permanent home, and where parental rights are not concluded. Sustaining relations with the extended family is also one of the purposes.

Custody: Here, it is simply the legal right to take care of a child (such as a child whose parents are divorced). Child custody deals with the rights and duties of both parents towards their children. It is the division of responsibility, especially as allocated between the divorcing parents.


Guardianship: Orders are given by probate courts, which primarily deal with matters of probate and administration of estates. It is generally a more precise and cohesive order, as it legally hands over the child into the guardian's care. Guardians may also be supervised by the courts.

Custody: Allocations are made by family courts. This is most often seen to be an arrangement amongst the parents regarding the future obligations of their kids, following their divorce order.


Guardianship: Here, the entire responsibility of the ward rests with the caregiver. All decisions regarding the ward's education, welfare, health, and any other tasks requiring support and maintenance come within the purview of the guardian's duty. For example, looking after the ward's food, clothing, shelter, educational needs, safety, protection, medical and dental care, physical and emotional growth, etc.

Custody: There are two kinds of custody: legal custody pertains to who makes important decisions (education, health care, etc.) for the child, and physical custody deals with whom the children live with. Both, legal and physical custody can either be joint or solely the responsibility of one parent. Responsibilities under legal custody include school and child care, religious activities and institutions, medical, psychological or other mental health counseling or therapy needs, extracurricular activities, etc.


Guardianship: The guardian is authorized to take important legal decisions for the ward; for instance, regarding any property issues. He/she is rather primarily allocated that duty. Guardianship is normally both, physical and legal. It is a greater obligation than that of custody. Guardians may also require to report to the courts annually.

Custody: The custodian also has to decide for the child. However, there can be a situation where the child is with one of the parents on a weekend. So, the non-custodial parent becomes responsible for the child, but cannot take any legal decisions for the kid.


Guardianship: This can more or less be a long-lasting relation. It ends only upon either the death of the guardian, or when the minor grows into a major (adult). The court too can terminate the guardianship if the parents become capable of taking care of the child.

Custody: In case of custody, the court can order sudden modifications, changing the custody of the child, in cases of circumstantial events in the life of either of the parents.
Evening Dresses
If the best interest of the young one is kept in focus, all legal intricacies can be sorted out. It is observed that if both the parents go along well with each other, the development of children is achieved in a better way; which is also an example of the 'reasonable visitation' order, where visitation is kept flexible to suit the needs of the child.


Does Cyber Begging Really Work?

Cyber begging means asking for funds/financial help through the web in order to protect identity. This post discusses the effectiveness of cyber begging and its legal implications, if any.
 Evening Dresses
 Evening Dresses
Meaning of cyber begging
Did You Know?
Karyn Bosnak can be considered to be the first person to launch a cyber begging website, called 'Save Karyn', which garnered immediate attention. Karyn has also launched a book by the same name, in which she has described the story of her struggles with debt.
Cyber begging is similar to traditional begging except that it involves asking money online. Also called internet panhandling/internet begging/e-begging, it allows people to request donors and reasonably well-off individuals for monetary support. They may also request for clothes, furniture, books, accessories, if need be. The principal aim of online begging is to protect the person's identity.

There is nothing shameful about asking for help, of course, yet there are people who might feel embarrassed to do so. Cyber begging sites are the perfect solutions for such people. On the contrary, such sites may also be dominated by people who may not actually be in need, but may be posing to so. The paragraphs below give you an insight into cyber begging.

An Introduction

    Without efficient financial planning or poor financial decisions, people can fall into serious trouble―some incur debt, some have a bad credit history, many lose their possessions.
    People may need money for buying a house urgently, clearing a debt, enrolling in a college, to pay bills, for vital surgeries, and a myriad other reasons.
    There are plenty of places one could find monetary help―there are organizations, non profits, help associations, etc. One can opt for fundraisers as well. But then, many are ashamed of asking for help from external sources.
    This is where e-begging comes in. It protects your identity and dignity―people do not know whom they are paying the money to. Not at face value, at least.
    You can write down your problem and the reasons why you need money (or anything else), and post it online. People will read your post and respond accordingly.
    If you get what you want, great. If not, you do not have to face the humiliation of being rejected, which reduces your morale to a great extent.
    Having been introduced more than one and a half decades back, cyber begging has gained immense popularity and has been in the news. In fact, off late, people have started misusing such sites, which has given rise to several questions about its credibility.

How Does it Work?

    Internet begging works via donation through PayPal.
    These websites list down the people who are in need of money. If you are in trouble, you have to pen down your story and feature it on these sites.
    When the stories are sent, ads are created first, and then, these ads are displayed on other websites as well.
    The ads will be posted on social networking sites and poker sites as well, and your story will be read by innumerable readers.
    The contributions will then start pouring in. This part is certainly tricky. If your story has genuinely touched people, they will make a contribution. It may also be possible that you may not receive any contributions at all, or may receive fewer than anticipated.
    You must remember that no cyber begging site asks for a registration fee. If you come across a site that does, rest assured that it is a fake.
    You will need to create a PayPal account and post it along with your story. Money will be sent to you via PayPal itself.

Legal Considerations

    There are a lot of speculation about the legality of cyber begging.
    To answer your question, yes, cyber begging is 100% legal and ethical.
    If you are facing financial troubles, you have every right to request for help. You also have the right to protect your dignity and self-esteem.
    This is a type of digital charity, and according to reports, it certainly works and is completely legal.
    What is illegal and unethical is to fake sob stories and lie about your situation to earn money.
    Cyber begging is a concept solely for people who are in dire need. There have been cases when people have faked illnesses or bad debts to receive donations. If you ever get caught, you will be punished nevertheless; you will also be responsible for donors to lose faith in cyber begging and in helping people out.
    Also, preferably, avoid posting stories of paltry needs. I am not indicating that requesting for gifts or holidays is wrong, but there are people who are desperately seeking basic needs, and consequently, donors would prefer helping them out instead of responding to the posts that request for something that is not quite essential.

Success and Failure Stories

    A woman in Canada, who was suffering from a genetic disease, undertook cyber begging to help her pay her medical bills.
    Another woman faked that her daughter was suffering from leukemia and received no donations.
    A man requested donations to help him with a hair transplant and has received moderate success (surprisingly, he has received at least half the money).
    A woman had requested a cyber begging site to help her pay for her nursing course.
    Yet another man had requested people to help him pay his house rent and bills. Despite being genuine, he hasn't been able to collect the money he wanted.
 Evening Dresses
As mentioned earlier, there is nothing to be ashamed of to ask people for help. But, please be honest and resort to cyber begging if you are facing a genuine problem. If you misuse the sites solely to earn a quick buck, you are not only committing a grave mistake, but also hampering the chance for many others who may be in need of financial help for a genuine cause. And, donors remember to ensure the authenticity of the website.


An Overview of Adultery Laws in the United States

Adultery is not only a sin but is even considered illegal in some states in the US. This article tells you about the laws regarding adultery, and its consequences.
Evening Dresses
Did You Know?
In Minnesota, female same-sex relations are not considered to be a form of adultery.
Evening Dresses

Nothing is more sacred than the sanctity of marriage. Especially when it is bound by law to honor and cherish a commitment. But temptation can often lead people astray, which in turn leads to adultery.

So is adultery illegal? Adultery is considered a sin, and even referred to specifically in the Bible. It has been punishable with stoning, flogging, public humiliation, and even execution. Adultery is an extramarital affair usually pursued due to dissatisfaction with a spouse. It has mostly been one-sided, with the laws favoring men and treating them with a lighter sentence, while women were treated much more harshly, with some countries even giving society permission to take the law into their own hands. This is evident even today in the form of honor killings.

But with open relationships and same-sex relationships being accepted far more openly now than they were before, the question arises - should the government be allowed to invade the choices made by consenting adults in their privacy?

The United States of America inherited its laws from the British monarch, and these were enforced to protect marriage. Although the American Law Institute removed adultery from its Model Penal Code, many states still prohibit adultery, but the laws are rarely enforced.

The Uniform Code of Military Justice still considers adultery to be illegal. The US Army bars servicemen from having extramarital affairs, but doesn't prosecute those involved unless it harms order and discipline. But a complaint may result in the court martial of the officer involved, and subsequent removal if convicted.

Adultery Laws in the United States
Adultery laws were made to prevent the birth of illegitimate children, prevent the transfer of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), as well as protect marriages. The laws enforced in the US states have been outlined here.

New York: It defines an adulterer as someone who engages in sexual intercourse with someone other than his legal spouse, and is considered a class B misdemeanor.

North Carolina: It defines adultery between two people who lasciviously and lewdly associate, bed, and cohabit together. Those pursuing a lawsuit must file it within 3 years from the last act of adultery, which constitutes a ground for divorce.

Minnesota: If a married woman has sexual relations with someone other than her husband, then both are guilty of adultery, which is a misdemeanor. They may be sentenced to a year of imprisonment, or fined $3,000.

Michigan: Adultery is illegal, but can only be punished upon a complaint by the affected husband or wife. When a married man sleeps with an unmarried woman, only he's guilty. On the other hand, if a married woman sleeps with an unmarried man, they both are guilty. It is considered a felony, and punishable with up to 4 years of imprisonment, or a $5,000 fine, or both.

Arizona: Adultery is defined as a married person who has sexual intercourse with someone other than his or her spouse, and an unmarried person who has sexual intercourse with a married person who is not his or her spouse. It is a class 3 misdemeanor. Out of the two guilty parties, even if only one of them is married, both are still punished. No prosecution is commenced unless a formal complaint has been registered by the husband or wife.

South Carolina: The fine for adultery is up to $500, or imprisonment for a year. Furthermore, divorce laws deny alimony to the adulterous spouse.

Adultery is illegal in the states of North Carolina, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, Virginia, Utah, Missouri, Mississippi, Georgia, Indiana, Maryland, Arizona, Michigan, Illinois, Idaho, Kansas, Wisconsin, New York, and South Carolina. It's still considered a misdemeanor in these states.

Other States

In recent years, the states of New Hampshire, Colorado, and West Virginia repealed their adultery laws, and made it legal.
The states of Texas, Connecticut, Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Oregon, Vermont, and California are no-fault states, where the courts do not consider adultery as illegal before granting a divorce.
The states of Delaware, Louisiana, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wyoming allow fault-based divorces based on adultery. Maine is the only state that offers a compromise between fault- and no-fault-based divorces.
The states of Hawaii, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Utah allow the possibility of alienation of affection as damage caused by a third party to be responsible for the failure of a marriage.
As you can see, the laws are one-sided and mostly favor men, as they were deemed to be the breadwinners of the family, and had the right to choose their heirs. Many argue that the laws regarding adultery are based on an archaic concept of marriage laws, and cannot be unconstitutional if agreed between consenting adults.Evening Dresses


14 Animals with Really Strange Noses

Evening Dresses
We always wonder what was Mother Nature thinking when she decided to make certain animals look weird, and sometimes even creepy, especially their noses. In this article, we list some animals on Earth with really funny and strange noses.
Animals with strange noses
Evening Dresses
Did You Know?
To compensate for poor eyesight and hearing ability, some animals like the star-nosed mole, water shrew, and rhinoceros have a sense of smell that is highly developed, which also helps them to hunt for food.
Mother Nature surely knows how to surprise us with her strange creations on Earth, with us humans being one of them! When we talk of strange and weird creatures, the animal kingdom definitely tops the list, and it simply gets weirder by the day. There exist some animals with really weird and strange noses, that we bet you didn't know about at all; speaking of which, aquatic animals are not far behind. These range from being as tiny as a frog, to as large as an elephant. Looking at their noses will leave you wondering as to why they were made that way. These creatures use their noses to hunt for prey, attract the opposite sex, eat, drink (Yes, drinking!), or even to fight for their territories. And you thought breathing was all that a nose is used for! Some of them may be creepy-looking, but are interesting nonetheless. Well, we leave this for you to decide. Without much delay, we bring you a list of some animals with really offbeat and freakish noses.

Animals with Weird Noses

Proboscis Monkey
Proboscis Monkeys


Star-nosed Moles
This hamster-looking creature surely tops this list. This little animal is a usual sight in eastern Canada and northeastern United States. Its nose is made up of 22 tentacles, forming a star shape, and is also one of the fastest foragers. It almost looks like an animal with no face. It uses its nose to search for worms and insects even at night. You've left us completely dumbstruck and open-mouthed Mother Nature!

Proboscis Monkeys
Now this is someone with a big nose in the monkey family, and we mean it. The nose of a Proboscis monkey nearly reaches up to seven inches, which at times hangs down over its mouth and has to be pushed aside to eat food. It is also used to attract the females for mating. Didn't we say it is used for other purposes too? This species is listed as an endangered species on the IUCN Red List.

Pinocchio Frogs
The Pinocchio frog is a tree frog found in the mountains of Indonesia. It is named so because of its Pinocchio-like nose. It can inflate and enlarge its nose when it is calling out. The tip of its nose points up when it is vocal, and down when it is silent.

Snub-nosed Monkeys
This beautiful golden monkey is weird in a cute way. It is allergic to rainfall, and sneezes A LOT when it rains, making it easy for hunters to hunt them down during wet days. The upturned nose that faces forward gets filled with water, resulting in a plethora of sneezes. It is also listed as one of the endangered species. We don't know yet if its nose is of much use, other than breathing.

No, this is not any makeup-ed monkey, but one with natural coloration, having a bright-red nose with white- or blue-colored stripes around it. The females are a little dull in color as compared to the males.

Although a common sight, pigs use their noses to find food like insects, worms, and rotten food waste. They have a tremendous sense of smell. This is possible due to the large round disk of cartilage at the tip of the snout.

Translated as the 'Earth pig', this nocturnal animal is a relative of the elephant, and not the pig. It uses its long, pig-like snout to sniff out food, by swinging it side to side to pick up the scent of termites and ants.

Hammerhead Sharks
This unusual shark has a protruded nose that runs horizontally along its mouth. It includes the shark's nostrils, that are set further apart. It does much more than just smelling. This weird nose enables the shark to hold down prey before eating, and helps it sense prey with better accuracy than other shark counterparts. This is because the distance between the nostrils helps it judge the direction of a smell.

Ahem! Have you ever tried drinking through your nose? No, right? We simply can't. But this huge mammal that we are talking about here definitely can. When you think of weird noses, how can our loving elephants be ignored. Yes, we are talking about their long, long trunks, that do much more than sniffing. They can breathe, touch, taste, drink, pick up branches and other things, etc. The trunk functions as a nose, lip, and an additional hand too!

Elephant Seals
Elephant seals, with their big noses, can be found everywhere around the oceans. However, only the adult males have big noses, which allows them to make thundering screams. It also helps them store water to prevent loss of body fluids during the mating season, when they leave the beaches in search of food and water. Ever thought water could be stored in a nose? We told you, it just gets weirder!

Elephant Shrews
Another adorable animal, the elephant shrew is neither an elephant nor a shrew, but is related to both. It usually hunts for food on the ground with its long, active, and squirmy nose, which mainly includes beetles and spiders.

Also called the carpenter shark, the sawfish has a long, narrow, and flattened nose extension, that resembles a saw. It is covered with electrosensitive pores, that helps detect movement of prey nearby, and lets it rummage through sandy or muddy water to catch hold of them.

Unicorn Fish
Probably one of the most unique-looking fish on Earth, the unicorn fish has a long and pointed nose like a horn, protruding forward of its eyes. It is used to protect themselves from predators.

The prehensile snout of the tapir is a soft, long, and highly flexible part of its body, that can be bent and moved in all directions in search of food. It can also grab leaves and branches from low-level trees and bushes.
Evening Dresses
So, this was our list of the animals with unusual noses. Whether you agree or not, God was in a really creative mood when He made them. Which one do you think was the weirdest? Please feel free to drop in a line or two in the comments section below.


Tips to Take Care of a Black Piranha

Evening Dresses
Black piranhas, also called redeye piranhas, are carnivorous sea dwellers mostly found in South America (Amazon and Orinoco basins). Hobbyist and enthusiasts are really keen to tame this species due to its unique temperament and physical characteristics. In case you are one such enthusiast
Black piranha care tips
Fast Fact:
Piranhas grow more aggressive with age. Therefore, precaution should be taken during tank maintenance or while feeding them.
Black piranhas, scientifically termed as Serrasalmus rhombeus, are somewhat shy and solitary fish. However, don't expect them to be shy when preying for food. These piranhas being meat-eaters feed mostly on smaller fish and invertebrates.
Evening Dresses
They have a powerful body, really strong jaws, and several sharp teeth. So in case you plan to have one of these in your aquarium, it's probably a good idea to not dunk your hand in the tank.

Below given are some facts and figures about this species, followed by the caring tips. Check them out.

Common Name:     Black Piranha
Binomial Name:     Serrasalmus Rhombeus
Tank Size:     75-100 Gallons
Ideal Water Temp:     74-84°F
Ideal Water pH:     4.5-7.5
Diet:     Carnivore
Temperament:     Aggressive
Maximum Growth:     Up to 17"

How to Care for a Black Piranha

black piranha

Setting Up a Tank
❖ As these fish grow up to 17 inches in length, a 75- to 100-gallon tank is perfect. Also, being freshwater fish, they require highly oxygenated and clean water. To ensure the water conditions remain suitable, it's ideal to use canister filtration and wet/dry sump-based filtration. One should also ensure ample internal water-flow that would maintain oxygen levels. This can be achieved by using a spray bar or additional power heads.

❖ Weekly water changes are also required in order to get rid of accumulated nitrates (as a result of decayed food). When changing water, replace approximately 25% of the existing water with new water. Doing this would help maintain the best water quality.

❖ Lastly, maintaining proper water temperature is crucial too. Use a heater to maintain the water temperature somewhere between 75 to 80°F. Also, ensure that the water pH levels are in the range of 4.5 to 7.5.

Tank Decoration and Safety
❖ When setting up the tank, safety comes first, especially from fish that could prove detrimental to humans. Try to keep wires of filters and power heads outside the tank, this is because, in case any loose wires hang around in the tank, the piranha might chew on them. This could prove harmful to the fish and to you too.

❖ Secondly, keep the lid of the tank closed at all times, and keep the tank at a considerable height if you have kids. Piranhas do not spare humans, they would bite upon seeing a finger or hand submerged in the water considering it to be food. Also, piranhas have a tendency to leap, so it's always a good idea to keep the lid closed in order to avoid mishaps.

❖ Coming to decoration, as piranhas are freshwater fish, introducing a sandy substrate, some aquatic plants, and some smooth rocks or bog-wood would do the trick. Also, when illuminating the tank, keep in mind that piranhas hate bright lighting; hence, use a low-intensity bulb or tube.

Mating and Tankmates
❖ In case you plan to add one more piranha to the tank, don't do so. Piranhas are solitary fish, they do not enjoy company of other fish, even if they are fellow piranhas. Introducing fish bigger than the piranhas would make the atmosphere more tense, whereas smaller fish would be preyed upon by piranhas.

❖ If you plan to breed them, take the female out after the process of spawning. The male is known to look after the eggs, but the young ones should be transferred to another tank after they hatch.

❖ What's for food? Not veggies for sure! For food, piranhas like crustaceans, smaller fish, and invertebrates. Juveniles must be fed 2-4 times a day, whereas the older ones can be fed 1-2 times.

❖ Feed fish flesh, insects, bloodworms, tubifex worms, crustaceans (flesh) like prawns, shrimp, barnacles, etc. Occasionally, you could also feed portions of white fish and feeder fish. Do not feed mammal meat (chicken, beef, etc.) to the piranha as such meat contains a lot of fat which could affect the health of the piranha.

❖ You could also consider feeding frozen fish in case you fail to get live fish. Dried worms too are a good alternative to live food.
Evening Dresses
As is evident from the points mentioned above, black piranhas are extremely aggressive and solitary sea creatures. They are fairly hardy and ideally not suited to be owned by children or inexperienced handlers. One thing is for sure though, owning a black piranha is like owning a really unique fish like no other on this earth.


Rules to Play the Slapjack Card Game

If you're looking for a simple and easy card game to pass time, Slapjack's perfect. This article provides rules and instructions to play the game. Take a look!
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Slapjack card game rule
Try Snap
Unlike Slapjack, players instead of slapping jacks, look for identical cards played on top of each other. For instance, if a 5 is played on top of another 5 (irrespective of suit or color), the first player to yell 'snap' and slap the last card, wins the pile.
Slapjack is one of the simplest card games that require a player to be alert and respond quickly. The game is mostly taught to kids as one of their very first card games. However, it can very well be enjoyed by teens or adults too, and is a great way to pass time.

A lot of people find Slapjack similar to Egyptian Rat Screw, and they're absolutely right. Both games do share some common rules. Firstly, both require cards to be played blind; and secondly, the winner is the player who acquires all the cards in the deck. So, here is a quick look at the Slapjack game rules.

How to Play Slapjack

Game Objective
➔ To be the player to acquire all 52 cards.

Game Setup
➔ The game can be played by a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 8 players. However, if you wish to include more than 4 players, consider using an additional deck.

➔ Sit in a circle, such that the center can be used as a play area. Then, deal all the cards face down to all players. It's not necessary that the players receive equal number of cards.

➔ Once all cards are dealt, the players should neatly form a pile of their respective cards (face down) in front of them.

Playing a Round at Slapjack
➔ The player on the dealer's left picks the topmost card from his pile and places it face up in the center. When playing a card, the player must necessarily place it away from him/her so that the other players can easily view the card. Also, a player should turn his card very quickly to avoid other players seeing the face of the card before him.

➔ The players keep taking turns in placing a card face up in the center until someone plays a jack. This is where the real fun begins. Once a jack is played, all the (alert) players try to slap the jack. The first to do so claims all the played cards along with the jack. He would then turn the claimed cards face down, place them under his pile of cards and shuffle the whole (now larger) pile.

➔ The slapping rule is bound to create disputes; therefore, it should be noted that the player whose hand is directly on top of the jack (lowest) wins the pile.

➔ In case a player wrongly slaps the pile (when not a jack), he must give a card from his pile face down to the player of the slapped card as a penalty.
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➔ If a player is left with no cards, he gets one last chance to slap at the next played jack. If he succeeds, he gets a new pile to play; if he doesn't he is out of the game.

➔ The game continues in this manner until one player wins all the cards, and he is declared the winner.


Amazing Facts About Red Crab Migration

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One of the most spectacular phenomena of nature is the migration of Christmas Island red crabs in Australia every year. To know more facts about this unusual occurrence, take a look at this article.
Red crab migration fact
Did You Know?
Red crabs are the only species of crabs where both, males and females migrate to breed, whereas in other species, only the females make the long march in order to deposit their fertilized eggs into the sea.
Imagine you are driving or walking down the road, and suddenly you see a sea of red crabs crossing it. Weird and amazing, isn't it? Some of you may discard it as a weird dream of getting caught up among a swarm of crabs walking towards you. Well, this isn't any strange dream! This spectacular sight can be seen in actual in Christmas Island in Australia.
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The Christmas Island red crab, also called Gecarcoidea natalis, is a species of land crab native to Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean. It is located 1,625 miles (2,600 km) northwest of Perth, which is home to many animal and plant species. It is well-known for the mass migration of about 50 - 120 million red crabs each year during October or November. All you will see is the mass of these countless number of crabs seething the roads and cliffs, emerging from the forest and heading to the sea. Here are some more interesting facts about this unusual phenomenon of nature.

Annual Red Crab Migration


These are large crabs, with their carapace measuring up to 4.6 inches wide. The males are usually larger than the females. However, the females have a broader abdomen and smaller claws in comparison. They are bright-red to orange in color. They remain active during the day, but can even die because of dehydration. They usually feed on fresh and dried fallen leaves, fruits, flowers, and seedlings. During the dry weather, they retreat into their shelters to retain moisture and salts in the body.
Why Do Red Crabs Migrate?

At the onset of the wet season during October-November, most of the adult red crabs that inhabit Christmas Island suddenly start their mass migration from the forest to the sea to breed. The rains provide enough moist conditions for them to complete their long and difficult journey of about 5 miles, which usually takes 5 - 7 days.
It All Depends on the Moon

The timing of the migration is linked to the phases of the moon and the lunar schedule. The crabs mate at such a time that the females can produce and develop the eggs in burrows for about 10 - 12 days, before releasing them into the sea when high tide is between the last quarter and the new moon. During this time, the sea level varies least for a longer period of time, making it easier and safer for the females to approach the edges for releasing their eggs. If the migration gets delayed due to unfavorable weather conditions, spawning will be put off until the next lunar month.
Migration and Breeding

Red Crab Migration
Red Crab Migration

Male crabs lead the first wave of migration from the forests. It takes them about 5 - 7 days to reach the sea, but they soon get outnumbered by the females. The males reach the shores and take a dip in the sea to replenish lost moisture and salts. Then they dig burrows for mating to occur after the female crabs arrive. The males leave the shores to begin their journey back to the inland.

The females stay behind in the burrows for about 2 - 3 weeks more to lay their eggs. The eggs are held in a brood pouch between the extended abdomen and thorax of a female crab. A single female crab can lay up to 100,000 eggs. In the mornings and late afternoons, between the last quarter and the new moon, they descend from the burrows to the shore to release their eggs. The eggs are released around the turn of the high tide. After the brood is empty, they begin their return journey to the forest.
Migration of Red Crab Babies

The eggs hatch immediately into larvae in the sea, and remain there for about a month to become tiny crabs. Most of them get washed away due to high currents. Millions of baby crabs emerge from the sea and begin their inland journey, which takes them about 10 days. They disappear under fallen tree branches, rocky outcrops, or other debris on the ground for the first three years of their life.
Human Activities
Migration is a risky time for red crabs. They travel over roads and off-road areas to reach their destination. These roads are often used by humans for commuting. Thus, injury and dehydration, both have become a major threat for them. They frequently get crushed by vehicles passing on the roads, and even cause accidents due to their hard and tough exoskeletons, which often leads to the puncture of tires. To ensure the safety of both, conservation measures have been taken up by officials.

We can say that on this island, crabs have the right of way! 'Crab crossings' and 'crab bridges' have been constructed for them to pass through. At those points where there is huge concentration of red crabs, tunnels have been built under the roads to channelize their movement. In other areas, the roads are temporarily closed with signs and barriers erected indicating the same for their protection. People living there have become more tolerant and respectful during the annual migration. They have also become more cautious while driving, which is helpful in conserving this unusual species, and also minimizing the casualties caused due to accidents.
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This similar phenomenon can be seen in Cuba as well, usually in the Bay of Pigs, where small reddish-orange female crabs migrate to the Caribbean Sea to release their eggs. Now that you know these wonderful facts about red crab migration, and understand what an amazing occurrence it is, wouldn't it be a wonderful and interesting experience to watch these little red creatures swarming the roads in huge numbers?